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La pandémie de COVID-19 (Coronavirus) affecte des centaines de

des milliers de personnes et conduit, partout dans le monde, à

mesures de santé et de sécurité de grande envergure. En conséquence, le COVID-19

Édition spéciale de l'EUTA  : Réponses de l'UE à la crise du COVID-19 (coronavirus) : Fiscalité

crise a des conséquences sociales et économiques majeures. Les mesures sont

adoptées pour limiter autant que possible l'impact sur les contribuables


Dans cette édition spéciale de l'EUTA, nous donnons un aperçu des

mesures annoncées importantes adoptées par la Commission européenne

ainsi que dans nos pays d'origine Luxembourg, Belgique, Suisse

et les Pays-Bas. Cet aperçu est mis à jour régulièrement


Commission européenne/aides d'État

Aides d'État  : encadrement temporaire des aides d'État

soutenir l'économie dans l'épidémie de COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Le 19 mars 2020, la Commission a publié un encadrement temporaire pour

permettre aux États membres de l'UE de fournir une aide pour soutenir la

économique dans le cadre des aides d'État existantes

règles1. Le cadre temporaire est basé sur l'article

107, paragraphe 3, du traité sur le fonctionnement de l'Union européenne,

qui prévoit que les aides d'État peuvent être déclarées compatibles avec les

marché commun s'il remédie à une perturbation grave de l'économie

d'un État membre.

Le 3 avril 2020, la Commission européenne a adopté le premier amendement

étendre le cadre temporaire pour permettre aux États membres de

accélérer la recherche, les tests et la production de Coronavirus

produits pertinents, de protéger les emplois et de soutenir davantage la

économique dans le contexte de l'épidémie de coronavirus. Le 8 mai

2020, la Commission a adopté un deuxième amendement pour compléter la

types de mesures déjà couvertes par le cadre temporaire et

règles existantes en matière d'aides d'État, en établissant des critères sur la base desquels

Les États membres peuvent fournir des recapitalisations et des dettes subordonnées

aux entreprises dans le besoinLe

Le cadre temporaire prévoit désormais les types de

aide :

  1. Subventions directes, avances remboursables, avantages fiscaux, zéro

    prêts à intérêt, garanties sur prêts couvrant 100 % du risque et

    l'apport de fonds propres, à condition que (i) l'aide ne

    dépasser 800 000 EUR (brut) par entreprise, (ii) l'aide est octroyée

    sur la base d'un schéma avec un budget prévisionnel (c'est-à-dire

    l'aide individuelle/ad hoc n'est pas couverte), (iii) l'aide est accordée à

    entreprises qui n'étaient pas en difficulté au 31 décembre 2019 mais

    qui a rencontré des difficultés ou est entré en difficulté par la suite en tant que

    suite à l'épidémie de COVID-19, (iv) l'aide est octroyée au plus tard

    avant le 31 décembre 2020. Des conditions spécifiques s'appliquent pour le

    secteurs de l'agriculture, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture

  2. Garanties de l'État pour les prêts contractés par les entreprises auprès des banques,

    à condition que les primes de garantie aient un certain niveau minimum,

    variant entre 0,25% et 2% selon la taille de l'entreprise

    (PME ou grande entreprise) et durée (prêt à 1 an, 2-3

    prêt à maturité ans ou prêt à maturité 4-6 ans). États membres de l'UE

    peut également notifier des régimes alternatifs, selon lesquels l'échéance, la tarification et

    la couverture de la garantie peut être modulée (par ex.

    couverture compensant une maturité plus longue). Conditions additionnelles

    s'appliquer, comme la condition que la garantie soit accordée avant le 31

    décembre 2020 au plus tard

  3. Prêts publics bonifiés aux entreprises, c'est-à-dire publics

    prêts à taux d'intérêt avantageux, à condition que la réduction

    les taux d'intérêt sont au moins égaux au taux dit de base (1

    année IBOR ou équivalent tel que publié par la Commission) plus un

    marge de risque de crédit, variant (à nouveau) entre 0,25% et 2% selon

    sur la taille de l'entreprise et la durée. Des régimes alternatifs peuvent

    également être notifié. Encore une fois, des conditions supplémentaires


  4. Des garde-fous pour les banques qui canalisent les aides d'État vers le réel

    économique, c'est-à-dire que les aides sous forme de garanties et de prêts

    via des établissements de crédit ou d'autres

    institutions n'est pas considérée comme une aide indirecte à ces institutions,

    à condition que ces institutions soient en mesure de démontrer que les

    les avantages sont répercutés dans la plus large mesure possible sur les

    bénéficiaires finaux

  5. Assurance-crédit à l'exportation à court terme lorsque les États membres

    démontrer l'absence de marché en fournissant des preuves suffisantes de

    l'indisponibilité de la couverture du risque dans l'assurance privée


  6. Soutien à la recherche et au développement liés au coronavirus

    (R&D) sous forme de subventions directes, d'avances remboursables ou d'impôts

    avantages pour le coronavirus et d'autres R&D antiviraux pertinents. UNE

    une prime peut être accordée pour des projets de coopération transfrontalière entre

    États membres

  7. Accompagnement à la construction et à la montée en gamme des tests

    facilités sous forme de subventions directes, d'avantages fiscaux, remboursables

    avances et garanties sans perte pour soutenir les investissements permettant la

    la construction ou la mise à l'échelle des infrastructures nécessaires au développement et

    tester des produits utiles pour lutter contre l'épidémie de coronavirus, jusqu'à

    premier déploiement industriel. Il s'agit notamment des médicaments et

    traitements, dispositifs et équipements médicaux, désinfectants, données

    des outils de collecte et de traitement utiles pour lutter contre la propagation des

    virus. Les entreprises peuvent bénéficier d'un bonus lorsque leur investissement est

    soutenu par plus d'un État membre et lorsque l'investissement est

    conclu dans les deux mois suivant l'octroi de l'aide

  8. Soutien à la production de produits pertinents pour lutter contre les

    Épidémie de coronavirus sous forme de subventions directes, d'avantages fiscaux,

    avances remboursables et garanties sans perte pour soutenir les investissements

    permettant la production rapide de produits liés au coronavirus (comme

    énumérés sous 2). Les entreprises peuvent bénéficier d'un bonus lorsque leur

    l'investissement est soutenu par plus d'un État membre et lorsque le

    l'investissement est conclu dans les deux mois suivant l'octroi de la


  9. Accompagnement ciblé sous forme de report de paiement d'impôts et/ou

    suspensions de cotisations sociales : pour réduire encore la

    contraintes de liquidité des entreprises en raison de la crise du coronavirus

    et pour préserver l'emploi, les États membres peuvent accorder des

    reports de paiement des impôts et des cotisations sociales

    dans ces secteurs, régions ou types d'entreprises touchés

    le plus dur par l'épidémie

  10. Accompagnement ciblé sous forme de subventions salariales pour les salariés :

    contribuer à limiter l'impact de la crise du coronavirus sur les travailleurs,

    Les États membres peuvent contribuer aux coûts salariaux de ces entreprises

    dans les secteurs ou régions qui ont le plus souffert du coronavirus

    épidémie, et aurait autrement dû licencier du personnel

  11. Aide à la recapitalisation, soumise aux conditions suivantes


    1. Conditions sur la nécessité, l'opportunité et la taille des

    intervention : l'aide à la recapitalisation ne devrait être accordée que si aucune

    une autre solution appropriée est disponible. Il doit également être dans le

    intérêt commun à intervenir, par exemple pour éviter des difficultés sociales

    et défaillance du marché en raison d'importantes pertes d'emplois, de la sortie

    d'une entreprise innovante ou d'importance systémique, ou le risque

    d'interruption d'un service important. Enfin, l'aide doit être

    limité à permettre la viabilité de l'entreprise et ne devrait pas aller

    au-delà de la restauration de la structure du capital du bénéficiaire avant

    l'épidémie de coronavirus;

    2. Conditions d'entrée de l'Etat dans le capital des sociétés

    et rémunération : l'Etat doit être suffisamment rémunéré pour

    les risques qu'elle assume à travers l'aide à la recapitalisation. En outre,

    le mécanisme de rémunération doit inciter les bénéficiaires

    et/ou leurs propriétaires de racheter les actions acquises par l'Etat

    l'utilisation d'aides d'État pour garantir le caractère temporaire des


    3. Conditions de sortie de l'Etat du capital de

    les entreprises concernées : les bénéficiaires et les États membres sont

    nécessaires pour développer une stratégie de sortie, notamment en ce qui concerne

    grandes entreprises ayant bénéficié d'aides importantes à la recapitalisation

    de l'Etat. Si, six ans après la recapitalisation, l'aide publique

    sociétés cotées, ou jusqu'à sept ans pour les autres sociétés, la

    la sortie de l'Etat est remise en cause, un plan de restructuration de la

    le bénéficiaire devra être notifié à la Commission;

    4. Conditions de gouvernance : jusqu'à la sortie de l'Etat en

    plein, les bénéficiaires sont soumis à des interdictions de dividendes et d'actions

    rachats. De plus, jusqu'à ce qu'au moins 75 % de la recapitalisation soit

    racheté une stricte limitation de la rémunération de leurs

    gestion, y compris une interdiction de versement de bonus, est appliquée. Celles-ci

    conditions visent également à inciter les bénéficiaires et leurs

    propriétaires de racheter les actions détenues par l'État dès que

    la situation économique le permet.

    5. Interdiction des subventions croisées et interdiction d'acquisition : pour

    veiller à ce que les bénéficiaires ne profitent pas indûment de la

    aide à la recapitalisation de l'État au détriment d'une juste

    concurrence dans le marché unique, ils ne peuvent pas utiliser l'aide pour

    soutenir les activités économiques des entreprises intégrées qui étaient en

    difficultés économiques antérieures au 31 décembre 2019. De plus, jusqu'au

    au moins 75 % de la recapitalisation est rachetée, bénéficiaires, autres

    que les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), sont en principe

    empêché d'acquérir une participation de plus de 10 % dans des concurrents ou

    d'autres opérateurs du même secteur d'activité, y compris en amont

    et les opérations en aval

  12. Aide sous forme de dette subordonnée : il s'agit de la dette

    instruments qui sont subordonnés à des créanciers de premier rang ordinaires dans

    cas de procédure d'insolvabilité. Étant donné qu'une telle dette augmente la

    capacité des entreprises à contracter des dettes senior d'une manière similaire à

    l'aide en capital, l'aide sous forme de dette subordonnée comprend

    une rémunération plus élevée et une limitation supplémentaire du montant

    par rapport à la dette senior dans le cadre temporaire. Si membre

    Les États veulent fournir des dettes subordonnées pour des montants supérieurs au

    seuils, toutes les conditions des mesures de recapitalisation énoncées

    ci-dessus s'appliquera

Le cadre temporaire sera en place jusqu'à la fin de

décembre 2020. Dans un souci de sécurité juridique, le

la Commission évaluera avant cette date s'il faut


Veuillez noter que les États membres de l'UE doivent encore notifier

les mesures d'aide d'État susmentionnées à la Commission pour approbation. UNE

L'État membre doit également démontrer que les mesures proposées sont

nécessaire, approprié et proportionné pour remédier à un grave

perturbation de l'économie de l'État membre concerné et que

toutes les conditions du cadre temporaire sont pleinement respectées.

Si l'État membre y parvient, les mesures peuvent être approuvées

très rapidement dès la notification. Ceci est illustré par divers

Les aides d'État, qui ont été approuvées par la Commission dans le cadre de la

Cadre temporaire dans un délai très court à compter de la réception

la notification. Quelques exemples, notamment pour les Loyens &

Pays d'origine de Loeff2, comprennent  :

  • Le Luxembourg a notifié un régime (avec un budget prévisionnel

    de 300 millions d'euros) qui vise à soutenir les entreprises, ainsi que

    professions libérales, affectées par l'impact économique de la

    épidémie de coronavirus. L'aide prend la forme d'une somme remboursable

    avance accordée en une ou plusieurs fois pour permettre aux bénéficiaires

    faire face à leurs coûts d'exploitation dans la situation difficile causée par

    l'épidémie de coronavirus. Le régime permet des avances remboursables

    jusqu'à 500 000 EUR par entreprise 

  • Le Luxembourg a notifié une mesure de soutien supplémentaire en

    la forme de garanties sur les prêts. Le régime est ouvert à tous

    entreprises, à l'exception de celles actives dans la promotion, la location et la vente

    de construction ainsi que la détention d'investissements. Il permet le

    l'octroi de garanties sur des prêts à des conditions favorables pour aider

    les entreprises couvrent les besoins immédiats en fonds de roulement et en investissements.

    Le montant du prêt sous-jacent par entreprise est lié pour couvrir ses

    besoins de liquidités dans un avenir prévisible. Les garanties seront

    ne seront fournis que jusqu'à la fin de cette année et sont limités à un

    durée maximale de six ans. Les entreprises doivent payer des primes de garantie comme

    énoncées dans le cadre temporaire 

  • Les Pays-Bas ont notifié un régime de 23 millions d'euros à

    soutenir les prestataires néerlandais de services d'aide sociale, de soins de santé et

    service de garde offrant des services à domicile pendant le coronavirus

    pandémie. Le soutien, sous forme de subventions directes, permettra

    fournisseurs pour acheter, louer, licencier et mettre en œuvre la cybersanté

    applications. Les applications de e-santé contribuent à la continuité de

    accompagnement et prise en charge à distance des patients qui restent désormais à domicile

    pendant l'épidémie de coronavirus. La mesure vise à éviter que

    le soutien social, les soins de santé et les prestataires de soins à la jeunesse sont confrontés

    avec des problèmes de liquidité en raison d'une augmentation significative de la demande de

    services à domicile, nécessitant des investissements dans les applications de e-santé,

    sans augmentation correspondante du soutien financier. Le maximum

    montant de l'aide ne dépasse pas 100 000 euros par entreprise

  • Le Luxembourg a notifié un régime d'aides de 30 millions d'euros à

    soutenir la R&D liée au coronavirus et les investissements dans le

    production de produits pertinents pour le coronavirus. Le régime est ouvert à

    petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises de tous secteurs. L'aide sera

    être accordés sous forme de subventions directes pour améliorer et accélérer

    la recherche et la production de produits directement liés à

    coronavirus. Ceux-ci comprennent les médicaments, y compris les vaccins,

    équipements hospitaliers et médicaux, y compris ventilateurs, protections

    vêtements et équipements ainsi que des outils de diagnostic. La R&D

    une partie du dispositif couvre la recherche fondamentale, la recherche industrielle

    et des projets de développement expérimental. La partie investissement du

    couvrira 80 % des coûts éligibles que les entreprises doivent

    ours créer des capacités de production pour fabriquer le coronavirus

    produits pertinents. Pour favoriser une action rapide, les entreprises peuvent également

    bénéficier d'un bonus lorsque leur investissement est conclu dans les deux

    mois après l'octroi de l'aide

  • La Belgique a notifié à la Commission au titre du régime temporaire

    Encadrer un régime de garantie du fonds de roulement et de l'investissement

    prêts, pour soutenir les entreprises actives en région flamande et

    touchés par l'épidémie de coronavirus. La mesure, avec un total

    budget de 3 milliards d'euros et financé par la Région flamande, vise à

    limiter le risque lié à l'émission ou à la restructuration de prêts à

    les entreprises les plus durement touchées par la conjoncture

    l'impact de l'épidémie de coronavirus, assurant la poursuite de

    Activités. Le montant du prêt sous-jacent par entreprise est limité à

    ce qui est nécessaire pour couvrir ses besoins de liquidités dans un avenir proche.

    De plus, les garanties ne seront fournies que jusqu'à la fin de

    cette année et sont limités à un maximum de six ans. La garantie

    les primes d'honoraires ne dépassent pas les niveaux prévus par le


  • La Belgique a notifié à la Commission son intention de

    mettre en place une mesure de différé de paiement des redevances de concession dues par

    les aéroports wallons aux autorités wallonnes pour soutenir ces

    exploitants d'aéroports pendant et après l'épidémie de coronavirus. le

    sera accessible aux opérateurs de Charleroi et

    aéroports de Liège, et leur offrira la possibilité de différer le

    paiement des redevances de concession qui seraient en principe dues pour

    l'année 2020. Le sursis de paiement ne peut être accordé que jusqu'au

    fin de cette année et sa durée n'excédera pas six ans.

    Par ailleurs, le report de paiement implique une rémunération minimale en

    conformément au cadre temporaire

  • La Belgique a notifié un régime de garantie de prêt pour soutenir

    entreprises actives en région wallonne et affectées par la

    épidémie de coronavirus. La mesure, d'un volume global de

    garanties à émettre de 530 millions d'euros, vise à limiter la

    risque associé à l'émission ou à la restructuration de prêts à ces

    les entreprises les plus durement touchées par l'impact économique de

    l'épidémie de coronavirus, assurant la poursuite des activités.

    La Commission a estimé que la mesure était conforme aux

    les conditions énoncées dans le cadre temporaire 

  • La Belgique a également notifié un régime de prêts subordonnés à

    accompagner les entreprises, en particulier les start-up, les scale-up et

    petites/moyennes entreprises, actives dans la région flamande et

    touchés par l'épidémie de coronavirus. La mesure est dotée d'un budget de

    250 millions d'euros

Toutes les aides d'État qu'un État membre

juge nécessaire compte tenu de l'épidémie de COVID-19 et qui

visent à remédier à une perturbation grave de l'économie,

peut à tout moment entrer dans le cadre de la

Cadre. Les États membres proposent également des mesures qui ne relèvent pas

ce champ d'application et sont donc soumis aux règles normales (et peuvent

prendre plus de temps pour réviser). Un exemple :

  • La Belgique a notifié un régime de garantie de prêt pour soutenir

    entreprises touchées par l'épidémie de coronavirus. Le soutien, dans le

    forme de garanties d'État sur les nouveaux prêts à court terme, sera

    accessible à toutes les entreprises, y compris les petites et moyennes entreprises

    les entreprises (PME) et les commerçants indépendants. Le but du régime

    est d'aider les entreprises touchées par l'impact économique de la

    crise actuelle couvrir leurs besoins de liquidités, assurant ainsi la

    poursuite de leurs activités. La Commission a constaté que le

    Le régime belge est conforme aux principes énoncés dans le traité de l'UE

    et est bien ciblé pour remédier à une perturbation grave de la

    économie belge. En particulier  : (i) il couvre les garanties sur les prêts

    avec une maturité et une taille limitées; (ii) il est limité dans le temps ; (iii)

    il prévoit une rémunération minimale des garanties ; et (iv)

    et contient des garanties adéquates pour garantir que l'aide est

    efficacement acheminés par les banques vers les bénéficiaires en


Enfin, le cadre temporaire n'affecte aucune autre

les options dont disposent les États membres pour répondre au COVID-19

l'épidémie sans enfreindre les règles en matière d'aides d'État, telles qu'elles sont également décrites

dans la communication de la Commission sur la coordination économique

réponse au COVID-19 du 13 mars 2020. Par conséquent :

  1. Les États membres peuvent prendre des mesures qui ne relèvent pas du

    Contrôle des aides d'État de l'UE, telles que les mesures applicables à tous

    engagements concernant les subventions salariales, la suspension du paiement des

    les impôts sur les sociétés et sur la valeur ajoutée ou les cotisations sociales, ou

    soutien financier directement aux consommateurs pour les services annulés ou

    billets non remboursés par les opérateurs concernés

  2. Les États membres peuvent concevoir des mesures de soutien conformes aux

    Règlement général d'exemption par catégorie (sans la participation du


  3. Les États membres peuvent notifier les régimes d'aides pour faire face à des problèmes de liquidité

    besoins et accompagner les entreprises confrontées à des difficultés financières (également

    due ou aggravée par l'épidémie de COVID-19) sur la base de l'article

    107, paragraphe 3, point c), TFUE et comme précisé dans le document Rescue and

    Lignes directrices sur les aides d'État à la restructuration 

  4. Les États membres peuvent indemniser les entreprises qui ont été

    particulièrement touchés par l'épidémie (par exemple, transports, tourisme,

    culture, hôtellerie et commerce de détail) et/ou organisateurs d'annulations

    événements pour les dommages subis dus et directement causés par le

    épidémie. Ces mesures de réparation des dommages doivent être notifiées à

    la Commission et seront évalués directement au titre de l'article

    107(2)(b) TFUE. Un exemple un régime d'aides de 650 millions d'euros

    notifiés par les Pays-Bas, dont 600 millions d'euros seront

    alloués pour aider les agriculteurs et les commerçants du secteur floricole

    et les entreprises du secteur horticole de spécialité pour la

    marché de la restauration, qui ont été négativement affectés par la

    épidémie de coronavirus. Les 50 millions d'euros restants seront

    alloués pour indemniser les producteurs de pommes de terre touchés par l'épidémie.

    Dans le cadre du régime, ces opérateurs auront droit à une indemnisation

    pour certains dommages subis. L'indemnisation sous forme de

    les subventions directes peuvent couvrir un maximum de 70 % de la perte de revenus ou

    surcoûts pour les agriculteurs et commerçants de la filière floricole

    secteur et les entreprises du secteur horticole de spécialité et un

    maximum de 44% de la perte de revenus ou des coûts supplémentaires pour

    producteurs de pommes de terre

Mesures fiscales belges

Mis à jour en avril 2021

Depuis le 18 mars 2020, le gouvernement belge a publié plusieurs

mesures fiscales pour faire face à l'impact économique de la

Crise du COVID-19. Voici un aperçu des mesures les plus pertinentes

qui ont été adoptés.

Indemnisation pour fermeture obligatoire d'entreprises

Mise à jour 28 avril 2021

Afin d'atténuer l'impact financier pour ces entreprises,

le gouvernement flamand a annoncé que les entreprises de la

région peut demander une compensation. Les entreprises qui étaient

obligatoirement clôturées entièrement avaient droit dans un premier temps à une indemnité forfaitaire

indemnité de 4 000 € tandis que les entreprises qui pourraient rester

ouvert en semaine ont eu droit à une indemnité de 2 000 €.

Entreprises qui doivent encore rester fermées après le 4 avril

2020, ont droit à une indemnité complémentaire de 160 € par

journée. Une indemnisation de 2 000 EUR est également prévue pour les entreprises

qui n'ont pas besoin de fermer mais qui peuvent démontrer que le

le chiffre d'affaires a diminué d'au moins 60% en un mois

dès la réouverture par rapport à une période de référence l'année dernière. Fonds

sont également mis à disposition en Région wallonne et bruxelloise pour

mesures similaires. Les compensations accordées dans le cadre des aides

mesures prises par les régions, les communautés, les provinces et

les communes sont, sous certaines conditions, exonérées d'impôts.

Cette exonération fiscale s'applique jusqu'au 31 décembre 2021.

Les compensations qui étaient auparavant exonérées d'impôt mais qui sont

remboursé à la région concernée ne sera pas considéré comme une taxe

dépense déductible.

Arrêté sur l'abattement fiscal pour télétravail

Mise à jour 2 mars 2021

En raison des mesures prises dans la lutte contre le coronavirus,

la Commission de décision a été disposée à rendre une décision

confirmant que l'employeur peut donner temporairement à ses employés,

quelle que soit leur catégorie d'emploi, un abattement non imposable pouvant aller jusqu'à EUR

126,94 par mois pour couvrir les frais occasionnés par le télétravail, tels que

chauffage, électricité, papier, etc.

Le 14 juillet 2020, l'administration fiscale belge a émis un

lettre circulaire permettant, sous certaines conditions, une telle exonération fiscale

indemnité en cas de travail à domicile régulier et structurel effectué

par les salariés, même sans décision. Si les employés travaillent à domicile pendant

au moins 5 jours ouvrables par mois, l'employeur peut accorder une

allocation forfaitaire de travail à domicile jusqu'à 126,94 EUR par mois. Comme un

résultat de l'indexation, ce montant passera à 129,48 euros par

mois à compter du 1er avril 2020. Le 2 mars 2021, l'administration fiscale

a publié une nouvelle lettre circulaire pour les employés qui travaillent à domicile qui

transcende la question du travail à domicile dans le contexte de la COVID-19

et qui remplace le précédent. La lettre circulaire prévoit

d'une part une indemnité forfaitaire de bureau couvrant divers bureaux

dépenses pour un maximum de 129,48 euros par mois (à porter à

144,31 EUR pour les mois d'avril, mai et juin 2021) et sur le

d'autre part un remboursement du prix d'achat du bureau

mobilier/matériel informatique. Pour plus d'informations, la référence peut être

fait à notre


Report des paiements d'impôts

Mis à jour en février 2021

Niveau fédéral

Au début du coronavirus en 2020, le Belge

gouvernement a pris diverses mesures pour reporter la date de paiement des

impôt sur les sociétés, impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques, impôt sur les personnes morales, salaire

les retenues à la source, la TVA et certains droits d'accises. A l'heure actuelle, non

des mesures similaires ont déjà été annoncées pour 2021.

Les entreprises confrontées à des difficultés financières résultant directement de

la pandémie du Corona virus, quels que soient leur activité ou leur secteur,

peut cependant encore demander un numéro d'impôt et de sécurité sociale

mesures de soutien de la part de l'administration fiscale fédérale, qui devrait

permettre aux entreprises de combler ces

des difficultés.

Toutes les entreprises enregistrées en Belgique (sociétés et

travailleurs indépendants) ont droit à ces mesures s'il peut

montrer qu'ils ont subi des nuisances du fait de la propagation de la

Le virus Corona et les mesures corrélatives, qui peuvent être soit

directe (par exemple, baisse significative du chiffre d'affaires) ou indirecte (en tant que

conséquence d'une réaction en chaîne, par ex. entreprises partenaires suspendant

affaires). Les entreprises en difficulté financière structurelle

(c'est-à-dire les entreprises déjà confrontées à des difficultés financières avant la

Épidémie de Corona en Belgique) ne peuvent en principe pas bénéficier de ces

les mesures.

Les mesures d'accompagnement consistent à (i) un autre report

de paiement, (ii) une renonciation aux intérêts de retard et (iii) une

renonciation aux amendes de retard. Ces mesures peuvent être

demandé pour la TVA, le précompte professionnel, l'impôt sur les sociétés,

impôt sur le revenu des personnes physiques et impôt sur les personnes morales. Une entreprise peut demander

d'appliquer (une ou plusieurs de) ces mesures à l'aide d'un formulaire spécifiquement

délivré à cette fin et doit soumettre une demande distincte de

chaque dette individuelle. Le formulaire est disponible sur le site de la

Autorités fiscales fédérales

ici. En principe, une demande ne peut être introduite qu'après

réception d'un avis de cotisation ou d'une demande de paiement.

L'application de ces mesures a été prolongée jusqu'au 31 décembre


Il est à noter que ces mesures d'accompagnement sont

conditionnel au dépôt en temps opportun, correct et complet de la

déclaration de revenus correspondante. Par conséquent, il est de la plus haute importance que le

les formalités fiscales pertinentes (par exemple, déclaration de TVA, déclaration d'impôt sur le revenu) sont

dûment et en temps voulu respecté.

Niveau régional

En plus de ce qui précède, diverses mesures sont également annoncées à

les niveaux régionaux.

Le gouvernement flamand a par exemple annoncé que

le paiement de la taxe foncière (onroerende

voorheffing / précompte immobilier) pour 2020

est différé d'environ quatre mois (c'est-à-dire jusqu'au 30 avril

2021) pour les entreprises actives en Région flamande. Pas de retard de paiement

des intérêts seront facturés pour cette période. Le report est accordé

automatiquement et les entreprises peuvent ignorer le délai de paiement du 31

décembre 2020 mentionné sur l'avis d'évaluation. Travailleur indépendant

les personnes peuvent demander de manière flexible un plan de paiement et, si nécessaire, un

renonciation aux intérêts de retard.

En Région wallonne, les impôts régionaux sont payés pour

exemple suspendu car les délais seront prolongés de la période

correspondant à la crise et le droit d'enregistrement pour

la conversion de mandats hypothécaires en hypothèque a été temporairement

réduit à 0%.

En région bruxelloise, le Gouvernement bruxellois a pour

exemple a annoncé qu'il prolongera le délai de paiement de deux mois

pour la taxe foncière et la taxe de circulation avec un supplément

deux mois et que le droit d'enregistrement pour la conversion de l'hypothèque

les mandats en hypothèque ne seront temporairement pas perçus.

Pour certaines mesures supplémentaires concernant le paiement des

droits d'enregistrement, il est fait référence à la rubrique « Dépôt

délais reportés' ci-dessous.

Niveau communal

Suite aux décisions fédérales pour prévenir le coronavirus,

les villes et les communes prévoient également des mesures de soutien à la

indépendants et entrepreneurs concernés. Une compilation d'a.o. les

les mesures fiscales des villes et communes flamandes peuvent être

trouvé sur le site de VVSG ici.

Cependant, il est recommandé de consulter le site Web de votre


Report des acomptes

Si les travailleurs indépendants et les entreprises sont dans une situation fiscale

position et n'effectuez pas de paiements anticipés d'impôts sur le revenu, un impôt

augmentation sera imposée. Chaque trimestre, un prépaiement peut être effectué et

chaque acompte donne lieu à un crédit d'impôt qui réduit l'impôt

augmentation subie si aucun paiement anticipé n'avait été effectué. UNE

le paiement anticipé effectué au premier trimestre se traduit par un crédit d'impôt plus élevé

qu'un paiement anticipé effectué au cours d'un trimestre ultérieur. De nombreux indépendants

les particuliers et les entreprises sont actuellement confrontés à des problèmes de liquidité en raison

à la crise corona et ne peut donc pas effectuer de prépaiements. Dans

afin d'éviter qu'ils ne soient pénalisés s'ils ne paient que par anticipation

les impôts plus tard cette année, les crédits d'impôt pour les deux dernières

trimestres 2020 sont augmentés.

La mesure s'applique aux acomptes relatifs à une

période se terminant entre le 30 septembre 2020 et le 31 janvier 2021


Pour les entreprises, le crédit d'impôt pour acomptes

les impôts sur le revenu augmentent au troisième trimestre de 6 % à 6,75 % et en

au quatrième trimestre de 4,5 % à 5,25 %.

Pour les indépendants, le crédit d'impôt pour acomptes de

l'impôt sur le revenu des particuliers passe de 2 % à 2,25 % au troisième trimestre

et de 1,5 % à 1,75 % au quatrième trimestre.

Cette mesure ne s'applique pas :

  • sociétés qui rachètent leurs propres actions, procèdent à une réduction de capital

    ou attribuer/payer des dividendes entre le 12 mars et la fin de la

    période pertinente 

  • entreprises qui versent une rémunération variable entre le 12 mars 2020

    et la fin de la période pertinente au représentant principal de

    les administrateurs exécutifs, au président du directoire, à

    le représentant principal des autres personnes en charge de la

    direction ou au représentant principal des personnes en charge

    de la gestion quotidienne ;

  • contribuables qui détiennent une participation directe entre le 12 mars 2020

    et la fin de la période pertinente dans les sociétés qui sont

    établis dans certains paradis fiscaux ;

  • les contribuables qui paient des montants de 100 000 € ou plus entre 12

    mars 2020 et la fin de la période pertinente aux entreprises

    établi dans certains paradis fiscaux s'il n'est pas

    démontré que ces paiements ont été effectués dans le cadre d'une

    transaction réelle et authentique

Suppression de l'acompte de décembre pour la TVA et les salaires

la retenue d'impôt

Mise à jour avril 2021

Les assujettis à la TVA déposant des déclarations de TVA périodiques (c'est-à-dire mensuelles

ou déclarations de TVA trimestrielles) ne sont plus tenus de payer l'avance

paiement de la TVA normalement due pour le mois de décembre ou pour la

dernier trimestre de décembre de la même année. En conséquence, la TVA due sur

les transactions réalisées en décembre respectivement au quatrième trimestre d'un

année n'est à payer à l'Etat belge que par le

20 janvier de l'année suivante. Le décembre

l'acompte a également été supprimé pour la retenue sur salaire


Délais de dépôt reportés

Niveau fédéral

Mise à jour 10 février 2021

En 2020, l'administration fiscale belge a autorisé diverses extensions

pour la date limite de dépôt des déclarations d'impôt sur le revenu, déclarations de TVA, IC

listes de ventes, liste annuelle des clients et rapports CRS/FATCA. Il

reste à voir si des tolérances administratives similaires

sera accordée en 2021. Pour les déclarations relatives à la TVA, il n'y a actuellement

prolongations prévues pour 2021.

Niveau régional

Mise à jour 15 janvier 2021

En raison des mesures de sécurité mises en place en Belgique concernant les

la deuxième vague du coronavirus (au 1er novembre 2020), notaire

les bureaux et les citoyens ne sont pas toujours en mesure de tout remplir (impôt)

formalités à temps. L'administration fiscale flamande a donc

prévoit, à titre général, une prorogation du délai jusqu'à

30 avril 2021 si le délai expire normalement entre le 1

novembre 2020 et 30 avril 2021. Il n'est pas nécessaire de demander

ce report. Cela implique que :

  • pas d'augmentation d'impôt pour un retard impôt de succession

    revenir sera imposée si cette déclaration de revenus est déposée non

    au plus tard le 30 avril 2021. Si, par exemple, un droit de succession

    déclaration aurait dû être déposée au plus tard le 28 novembre 2020,

    ce délai est désormais prolongé jusqu'au 30 avril 2021

  • aucune augmentation d'impôt ne sera imposée si le délai dans lequel une

    l'acte doit être soumis pour enregistrement est

    dépassé. Si, par exemple, deux parties conviennent de vendre un immeuble

    propriété et cette vente devra être enregistrée par acte authentique le 28

    novembre 2020, ce délai est désormais prolongé jusqu'au 30 avril 2021. En

    en outre, le délai pour se conformer aux conditions

    maintien d'un régime favorable est prolongée jusqu'au 30 avril 2021


Cela implique également que le paiement des droits d'enregistrement

peut être reporté dans la même mesure

Report de l'obligation de déclaration DAC6

Le 25 mai 2018, le Conseil de l'Union européenne (le

Conseil) a adopté la divulgation obligatoire

Directive ((Directive (EU) 2018/855), also known as

DAC6). DAC6 introduces mandatory disclosure rules

for EU-linked intermediaries and – under certain

circumstances – taxpayers. As follows from the Directive,

arrangements of which the first step is implemented between 25 June

2018 and 1 July 2020 must be reported before 31 August 2020. From 1

July 2020 onwards reporting is required within 30 days. In view of

the COVID-19 situation, and in view of a political agreement

reached between the EU Member States on an (optional) postponement

of this obligation, the Belgian tax authorities  decided to

grant a postponement of 6 months by way of an administrative

tolerance. Concretely, this results in the following deadlines for

the notifications to be made to the Belgian competent

authority :

  • The reportable cross-border arrangements of which the first

    step is implemented between 25 June 2018 and 1 July 2020 have to be

    reported before 28 February 2021

  • The 30-day reporting period starts on 1 January 2021 for :
    • Reportable cross-border arrangements being made available for

      implementation, being ready for implementation, or when the first

      step in the implementation has been made between 1 July 2020 and 31

      December 2020

    • Intermediaries that have directly or indirectly provided aid,

      assistance or advice with respect to designing, marketing,

      organising, making available for implementation or managing the

      implementation of a reportable cross-border arrangement between 1

      July 2020 and 31 December 2020

  • The first periodic report in respect of "marketable"

    arrangements should be submitted on 30 April 2021 at the


This delay applies to federal taxes and regional taxes for which

the Belgian tax administration is responsible. For Flemish taxes,

such as Flemish inheritance taxes and certain registration duties,

a similar delay has been granted by the Flemish tax


At the end of January 2021 a further delay was announced :

arrangements to be reported during the months of January and

February 2021 should be reported by 28 February 2021. The penalties

provided for non-timely submission will not be applied during this


Loss-carry back temporarily allowed due to corona

Update 24 July 2020

In principle, tax losses can only be carried forward and no

carry-back to previous tax years exist in Belgium. However, in

order to improve the cash position of businesses and companies, a

one-time possibility is introduced to carry-back the losses

incurred during the COVID-19 crisis to compensate the taxable

profits of the previous financial year.

The loss incurred in the COVID-19 year should be estimated

prudently as an over-estimation will result in a (non-tax

deductible) tax increase (personal income tax) or in a (non-tax

deductible) separate assessment (corporate income tax) becoming



Self-employed persons and businesses subject to personal income

tax are allowed to carry back the loss expected in income year 2020

due to the corona crisis to income year 2019. The loss-carry back

takes the form of an 'economic exemption' which needs to be

claimed through a separate form since tax return form has ready

been published in the Belgian Gazette. The exemption cannot result

in a negative outcome. The amount that has been exempt is added to

the taxable basis in 2020 (assessment year 2021) in order to avoid

a double deduction of the same loss.

The following taxpayers are excluded from this rule :

  • Enterprises that were already in difficulties according to art

    2, §1, 4/2 when corona started (i.e. on 18 March)

  • Taxpayers that are taxed on lump sum taxable basis


Companies will be able to off-set the estimated loss incurred in

the subsequent (i.e. the COVID-19) year from the taxable profit

realised during a financial year closing between 13 March 2019 and

31 July 2020. Technically, the taxable reserves in the corporate

income tax return are reduced for the amount of the estimated loss

through the creation of a tax exempt reserve. The exemption cannot

be higher than the adjusted result of the taxable period with an

absolute max of 20mio€.

The amount that has been exempt is added to the taxable basis

(through an increase of the taxable reserve) in the subsequent

COVID-19 year in order to avoid a double deduction of the same

loss. In addition, the taxable basis will be increased (through a

disallowed expense) if the amount of the exemption is taxed in a

subsequent year at a lower tax rate than the rate applicable at the

moment the estimated loss was used to off-set the taxable basis.

This measure was introduced in order to neutralize the benefit of

this lower tax rate.

The following companies are excluded from the rule :

  • Companies that distribute a dividend, repurchase own shares or

    perform a capital (or similar) reduction between 12 March 2020 up

    to and including the filing of the CIT return in relation to

    assessment year 2021

  • Companies subject to a special tax regime
  • Companies that hold a direct participation between 12 March

    2020 up and including the filing date of the CIT return in relation

    to assessment year 2021 in a company established in certain tax

    haven countries

  • Companies that pay amounts of € 100,000 or more between 12

    March 2020 up and including the filing date of the CIT return in

    relation to assessment year 2021 to companies established in

    certain tax haven countries if it is not demonstrated that these

    payments were made in the context of an actual and genuine


  • Companies that were already in difficulties according to art 2,

    §1, 4/2 when corona started (i.e. on 18 March)

Reconstruction reserve

Update 2 December 2020

Companies are allowed to exempt part of their profits realised

in assessment years 2022, 2023 and 2024 by booking these profits to

an exempt "reconstruction reserve" for the purpose of

strengthening their solvency which was affected by the COVID-19

crisis. This reconstruction reserve thus allows future profits to

be treated in a fiscally advantageous manner, provided certain

conditions are fulfilled.

The measure does not apply to :

  • Companies that distribute a dividend, repurchase own shares or

    perform a capital (or similar) reduction between 12 March 2020 up

    to and including the filing of the CIT return in relation to the

    assessment year in which the reconstruction reserve was accounted


  • Certain companies subject to a special tax regime
  • Companies that were already in difficulties according to art 2,

    §1, 4/2 when corona started (i.e. on 18 March)

The reconstruction reserve only remains tax exempt to the

extent that:

  • the reconstruction reserve is accounted for and maintained in a

    separate reserve account

  • The company does not hold a direct participation in a company

    established in certain tax haven countries between 12 March 2020 up

    and including the last day of the taxable period in which the

    reconstruction reserve is benefitted from

  • The company does not pay amounts of € 100,000 or more to

    companies established in certain tax haven countries between 12

    March 2020 up and including the last day of the taxable period in

    which the reconstruction reserve is benefitted from (unless it is

    not demonstrated that these payments were made in the context of an

    actual and genuine transaction)

  • Equity and employment are maintained

The measure does not apply to :

  • Companies that distribute a dividend, repurchase own shares or

    perform a capital (or similar) reduction between 12 March 2020 up

    to and including the filing of the CIT return in relation to the

    assessment year in which the reconstruction reserve was accounted


  • Certain companies subject to a special tax regime
  • Companies that were already in difficulties according to art 2,

    §1, 4/2 when corona started (i.e. on 18 March)

The reconstruction reserve only remains tax exempt to the

extent that:

  • the reconstruction reserve is accounted for and maintained in a

    separate reserve account

  • The company does not hold a direct participation in a company

    established in certain tax haven countries between 12 March 2020 up

    and including the last day of the taxable period in which the

    reconstruction reserve is benefitted from

  • The company does not pay amounts of € 100,000 or more to

    companies established in certain tax haven countries between 12

    March 2020 up and including the last day of the taxable period in

    which the reconstruction reserve is benefitted from (unless it is

    not demonstrated that these payments were made in the context of an

    actual and genuine transaction)

  • Equity and employment are maintained

Base rate investment deduction temporarily increased

Update January 2021

The investment deduction is a tax deduction that comes on top of

the deduction of the depreciation of eligible assets. In order to

benefit from the investment deduction, certain conditions need to

be fulfilled.  The one-time investment deduction is calculated

as a percentage of the acquisition value related to the

investments. The base rate for investments by small and

medium-sized enterprises (SME) is 8 percent.  In order to

encourage investments by these enterprises, this base rate was

increased to 20 percent calculated on the acquisition or investment

value of fixed assets acquired or created between January 1, 2018

and December 31, 2019. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and in order to

stimulate investments in these difficult times, the base rate is

set at 25% for investments made between 12 March 2020 and 31

December 2020. This measure has meanwhile been extended for

investments made prior to 31 December 2022.

If the company has no sufficient taxable basis to use this

investment deduction, this one-time investment deduction for

SME's can in principle only be carried forward for one year.

Due to the negative financial impact of COVID-19, companies that

could not (fully) use the investment deduction in relation to

investments made in the period 2019-2021, will likely not be able

to use any unused investment deduction in the subsequent year. Pour

the investments made until 31 December 2021, the unused investment

deduction can therefore exceptionally be carried forward for two

years instead of one year.

Consumption vouchers

Update 24 July 2020

In order to support certain sectors, employers have the

possibility to grant consumption vouchers to their employees. These

vouchers will be tax exempt in the hands of the employees and

– contrary to other vouchers – fully tax deductible in

the hands of the employer. More information regarding the

conditions and the duration can be found in two Circular letters

issued by the Tax Administration on 22 October 2020 and 12 March

2021 (

Circular letter no. 2020/C/131 and

Circular letter 2021/C/25


Period to incur expenses for tax shelter postponed

Update April 2021

Belgian companies and Belgian permanent establishments of

foreign companies can benefit from a tax exemption if they invest

in European audiovisual works or performing arts, provided a number

of conditions are met. The amount of the final tax exemption is

based upon the value of the tax shelter certificate to be provided

to the investors. The value of this certificate is based upon the

amount of qualifying expenses the producer spends in the EER and of

the direct and indirect expenses incurred in Belgium. As of the

signing of the agreement between the investor and the producer, the

producer in principle has 18 months or 24 months to incur expenses.

In order to support this sector, some additional measures have been

taken as well, such as the possibility to change the agreement in

order to designate another work or art, the possibility for

investors with liquidity problems to partially forego their

investment or to postpone their payment with three months and more

flexibility regarding the periods in which the expenses can be made

for agreements concluded until 30 June 2021.

Flexibility on recording a bad debt reserve

Bad debt reserves that are recorded during the financial year

and relate to a loss that is not certain but probable, can only be

treated tax exempt (i.e. are only tax deductible) if certain

conditions are met. This implies a.o. that the debtors to which the

loss relates should clearly be individualized. The probability of

the loss should moreover appear from special events that took place

during the taxable period and are still present at the end of this

period. General or fixed bad debt reserves do not comply with these


A circular letter was issued on 23 March 2020 by the Belgian Tax

Authorities stating that the coronavirus constitutes a special

event that justifies the recording of a bad debt reserve if a

debtor does not pay its invoice as a result of the measures taken

by the Government. Each debtor should still be assessed separately

but flexibility may be applied when assessing the difficulties for

recovering outstanding debts from debtors whose turnover has

significantly decreased as a result of the restrictive measures

imposed by the federal government.

International measures for certain employees living

cross-border and working at home

April 2021

Although income from employment is generally taxable in

one's "home" state, employees which are active in a

cross-border context (e.g. Dutch residents working in Belgium or

vice-versa) are often taxed in the country in which they are

economically active (the "work" state), provided that a

minimum amount of the (professional) time is effectively spent in

that country (specific conditions apply depending on the country in


Considering the general advice of the Belgian (and foreign)

authorities to telework to the largest extent possible, the period

spent in the work state by these employees could significantly

decrease, which could potentially limit the work state's right

to tax the professional income, or even entirely shift this right

to tax to the home state of the employee concerned. It is thus very

important to keep record of the days that the employee(s) concerned

have worked from their home office, in order to assess any changes

to the applicable tax regime.

Specific agreements have been made regarding employees commuting

between Belgium on the one hand, and Germany, France, Luxembourg or

the Netherlands on the other hand.

Belgium and the Netherlands have agreed that - for the purposes

of the application of article 15, § 1 of the double tax treaty

concluded between Belgium and the Netherlands - working days for

which remuneration was received and on which the employee worked at

home solely because of measures taken by the Dutch or Belgian

government to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, are deemed to be spent

in the Contracting State in which the employee would be employed

without these measures. This fiction cannot be applied to working

days which, independently of these measures, the employee would

have spent at home or in a third state. In particular, it cannot be

applied by employees who, in accordance with their employment

contract, generally exercise their employment from home. Employees

who use the fiction are obliged to apply it in a consistent manner

in both Contracting States and to maintain evidence (e.g. a written

confirmation from the employer with respect to the days that an

employee has been working at home due to the COVID-19 measures).

This fiction can only be applied to the extent that the salaries

for the days that were spent working at home are effectively taxed

by the normal work state. The agreement is effective as of 11 March

2020 until 30 June 2021. The agreement also contains provisions

with respect to payments that an employee receives during a

temporary unemployment.

On 6 May 2020, a similar fiction is agreed upon between Belgium

and Germany concerning article 15, § 1 of the Belgian-German

double tax treaty for the days that an employee is working at home

as a result of the COVID-19 measures taken by the Belgian and

German Governments. Similar conditions apply. The agreement applies

until 30 June 2021.

Article 11, § 1 of the Belgian-French double tax treaty

provides that salaries, wages and other similar remuneration are

taxable only in the Contracting State on whose territory the

personal activity, which is the source of such income, is

exercised. On the basis of the rules on frontier workers laid down

in the additional Protocol to this double tax treaty, the salaries,

wages and other similar remuneration of a French employee working

in the Belgian frontier zone are in principle taxable in France

(i.e. the State of residence) if the employee has a permanent home

exclusively in the frontier zone of France. However, there are

several conditions that have to be met. One of the conditions is

that the French frontier worker must not leave the Belgian frontier

zone for more than 30 days per calendar year in the physical

exercise of his/her activity. Article 7(b) of the Protocol contains

a list of cases which are not taken into account for the

application of this 30-day rule, including cases of force majeure

beyond the control of the employer and the employee. Already on 13

March, the Belgian and French authorities agreed that the COVID-19

situation will be such a case of force majeure as of 14 March 2020.

As a result, the presence of a French frontier worker in his place

of residence in France (in particular to telework there) will not

be taken into account for the calculation of the 30-day period. le

measure applies until 30 June 2021. This agreement concerns only

the French frontier worker but does not provide a solution for

other employees working from home. That is why Belgium and France

also agreed on 15 May 2020 to give all other employees resident in

a Contracting State who habitually carry out their activity

(full-time or part-time) in the other State the possibility of

using the same fiction as mentioned above (under similar

conditions). This possibility applies from 14 March 2020 until 30

June 2021.

Employees commuting between Belgium and Luxembourg are taxable

on their professional income in the work state if any professional

activity physically carried on outside this work state is limited

to a period of maximum 24 days, unless force majeure can be shown.

In light of the current limitations on travel, the Belgian and

Luxembourg authorities have expressed their intention to qualify

the present situation as such force majeure : the period spent by

the employee in his home state for the purpose of teleworking, will

not be considered for the calculation of the aforementioned 24-day

limitation.  In addition, an agreement has been reached on 19

May 2020 between Belgium and Luxembourg that is similar to the

agreement that Belgium concluded with the Netherlands, Germany and

France for other employees that work cross-border. The agreement

applies from 11 March 2020 to 30 June 2021.

On 17 June 2020, the Belgian tax authorities published FAQ on

the impact of corona on cross-border employment which can be viewed

ici. According to the FAQ, home working days due to the

pandemic are not disregarded for employees residing in Belgium and

generally working in another country than France, Germany,

Luxembourg or the Netherlands. Hence, the former country of work

may not keep its taxation right.

Flexibility on the application of the grandfathering clause

under the new interest limitation rule

With effect from 1 January 2019, Belgium introduced a new

interest limitation rule in line with the Anti-Tax Avoidance

(ATAD). According to this rule, any "exceeding borrowing

costs" are only tax deductible up to the maximum of 30% of the

taxpayer's EBITDA or EUR 3 million. A Grandfathering was

introduced for existing loans: loans that are concluded prior to 17

June 2016 are excluded from this rule if no essential changes have

been made on or after this date. Essential changes include a.o. une

change in the parties, the interest rate, the duration or the

amount borrowed.

The exceptional situation caused by Covid-19 and the measures

imposed in that respect by the federal government will inevitably

have an adverse effect on the liquidity and solvency of some

companies. In this context, specific payment methods (e.g. a

deferral of interest or capital payment) may be authorised for

certain loans.  A circular letter now clarifies that the

authorisation of specific payment arrangements for loans concluded

before 17 June 2016 should not be considered as a fundamental

change when :

  • the taxpayer can demonstrate that the payment problems are the

    result of the crisis caused by COVID-19, and

  • the terms of payment appear in an approved application to a

    financial institution or are included in a supplementary


In other words, these loans will be able to continue to benefit

from the grandfathering rule.

These payment problems, which are the result of a general

liquidity and solvency problem, may be reflected in particular in a

fall in turnover or activity, temporary or total unemployment among

staff or temporary closure as a result of the measures imposed by

the federal government as part of the fight against COVID-19.

Tax credit for remission of rent

Update April 2021

A landlord who grants a (partial) remission of rent to his

tenant may enjoy a tax advantage if amongst others the following

conditions are met:

  • at least 40 % of the rent for the months March, April and May

    2021 is waived

  • the tenant is a self-employed person (in the main profession),

    a small company or a small association; et

  • the tenant had to close its business due to the measures

    imposed by the federal government as a result of the covid-19


If the conditions are fulfilled, a tax reduction of 30% of the

remitted rent can be claimed. A maximum of €5,000 per month

per lease can qualify for the tax reduction and a maximum of

€45,000 per landlord. For corporate income tax purposes, the

benefit is granted in the form of a non-refundable tax credit.

The waiver must be laid down in a written agreement between the

tenant and the landlord. The tax administration has provided a

model agreement that can be consulted

ici. The agreement should be sent to the tax administration on

15 June 2021 at the latest.

The question can be raised whether such remittance can qualify

as an abnormal or benevolent advantage. The Minister of Finance

confirmed in a Parliamentary Question that no advantageous or

benevolent advantage is present in case the rent is partially or

wholly remitted because a taxpayer is forced to close its business

due to the pandemic. Whether the cost associated with the

remittance is tax deductible for the landlord depends on the

circumstances. However, if the landlord remits the rent in order to

obtain or maintain taxable income, a condition that is in principle

fulfilled according to the Minister, this cost can be considered

tax deductible.

Measures to stimulate the donation of medical supplies and


Updated 24 July 2020

VAT consequences

The Belgian Government has asked all Belgian civilians and

companies to donate their medical material and supplies to

hospitals, in order to cover possible shortages.

In this respect one should know that taxable persons who

deducted VAT on the manufacturing or purchase of items donated for

free are in principle obliged to adjust the deducted VAT via a

self-supply subject to VAT. This additional VAT cost could

discourage companies from donating medical supplies.

For this reason, the Belgian VAT authorities have now decided

that a donation of medical supplies to hospitals will not lead to a

VAT adjustment. This measure will apply to supplies made since 1

March 2020  up until 1 September 2020.

The aforementioned tolerance applies to the following goods:

  • Medical devices as referred to in Royal Decree 18 March 1999

    (e.g. instruments intended for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes,

    devices intended for clinical research,..)

  • Protective equipment for healthcare workers and patients (mouth

    mask, protective clothing, disinfectants,..)

Please note that the measure does not apply to the donation of

pharmaceutical drugs.

The medical supplies must be donated to one the following


  • Healthcare institutions as referred to in the coordinated law

    of 10 July 2008. Pursuant to this law, hospitals must meet certain

    standards and must be approved / recognized by the FPS Public

    Health (this concerns in particular those institutions whose

    medical care services normally fall within the scope of the

    exemption envisaged by Article 44, § 2, 1°, a) of the VAT


  • Associations of hospitals as referred to in Royal Decree 25

    July 1997

  • Hospital groups as referred to in Royal Decree 30 January


  • Mergers of hospitals as referred to in Royal Decree 31 May

    1989 : and

  • Locoregional clinical hospital networks as referred to in the

    law of 28 February 2019

  • Certain institutions mentioned under article 44, §2,

    2° of the Belgian VAT Code :

  • Certain institutions mentioned under article 44, §2,

    2° of the Belgian VAT Code :

     Retirement homes

     Daycares

     Homes for people with a disability

     Schools and universities

     Humanitarian aid organizations (for their interventions

    relating to COVID-19)

     Approved institutions referred to in Regulation


     Other government institutions

In order to benefit from this VAT measure, the company should be

able to provide proof that the medical supplies were donated free

of charge to one of the institutions mentioned above. The proof

must consist of a document in which the hospital confirms that the

donated medical supplies were used to provide care or were donated

to another institution.

In addition, this document must be drawn up in twofold for each

donation, dated and signed by both parties and should contain the

following details:

  • Date
  • Name, address and VAT number of the benefactor
  • Name, address and company number of the beneficiary
  • Complete description of the donated goods; et
  • Amount of goods

This document replaces the document required by article 3 of

Royal Decree n° 1, which establishes that business assets were

used for other purposes than the economic activity by the


It should also be noted that the following guidelines apply for

the aforementioned document:

  1. Multiple donations can be merged by mentioning the different

    types of medical supplies and their amount. The benefactor can even

    replace the complete description of the donated goods by attaching

    the original receipt for the medical supplies to the document

  2. One summarizing document / overview containing all the

    donations of one month will also be accepted by the VAT

    authorities, if the summarizing document is drawn up before the

    15th day of the following month and reference is made to

    the month in which the medical supplies were actually donated

  3. It is not required to register this document in the accounts of

    the benefactor, but it should be kept in case of


In order to mitigate shortages of computers in Belgian schools,

a similar measure was adopted to stimulate the donation of

computers to schools established in Belgium. The same documents are

required as for donations of medical supplies. This measure will

also apply for supplies made since 1 March 2020 up until 31

December 2020.

Income tax consequences

Update 24 July 2020

If the donator is subject to corporate income taxes (resident

and non-residents) or is subject to personal income tax

(residents/non-residents) as a self-employed person, the donation

of the above mentioned medical goods done between 1 March 2020 and

31 July 2020 will not qualify as an abnormal or benevolent

advantage and the costs associated with the donated medical goods

will be tax deductible.  A similar measure is introduced for

donations of computers to schools established in Belgium between 1

March 2020 and 31 December 2020.

Please note that other natural persons subject to personal

income tax (resident/non-resident) that donate these medical goods

and computers to certain institutions can exceptionally and

temporarily receive an increased tax deduction.

Reduced 6% VAT rate (instead of 21%) on the supply,

intra-Community acquisition and import of certain PPE's

In order to stimulate the supply of goods which are required to

comply with the preventive measures in the fight against the

COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Government has decided to

temporarily apply the reduced VAT rate of 6% (instead of the

standard VAT rate of 21%) on the supply, intra-Community

acquisition and import of :

  • face masks, classified under the CN codes 4818 90 10 00, 4818

    90 90 00, 6307 90 98 10, 6307 90 98 91, 6307 90 98 99 and 9020 00

    00 10. As from 1 January 2021 the combined customs nomenclature has

    changed with an impact on the classification of face masks. As from

    this moment, this measure applies to face masks classified under

    the following CN codes: 4818 9010 00, 4818 9090 00, 6307 9010 00,

    6307 9093 11, 6307 9093 19, 6307 9093 20, 6307 9093 90, 6307 9095

    11, 6307 9095 19, 6307 9095 20, 6307 9095 91, 6307 9095 95 and 9020

    0010 90, and

  • hydro alcoholic gels classified under the CN codes 2207 20 00,

    3808 94 10, 3808 94 20 and 3808 94 90

This measure will apply as from 4 May 2020 until 31 December

2020. This period has been further extended, and accordingly will

also apply to all supplies, intra-Community acquisitions and

imports of the abovementioned goods for which VAT becomes due as

de 1 January 2021 until 30 June 2021 (see

Circular letter no. 2021/C/39 of 3 May 2021).

This national measure complements the European Commission's

decision – in the fight against COVID-19 – to

temporarily waive customs duties and VAT for State bodies and

charitable organizations when importing medical devices and

protective equipment from third countries.

VAT exemption for supplies of medical equipment to public

bodies and certain organizations

The European Commission already decided to waive VAT and customs

duties on imports of necessary medical equipment destined for

distribution free of charge by State bodies or approved

organizations through its decision of 3 April 2020. With its

decision of 28 October 2020, the European Commission has extended

the application of this measure until 30 April 2021.

VAT exemption for COVID-19 vaccines and testing kits

The Council has adopted amendments to the VAT Directive to allow

EU Member States to temporarily exempt COVID-19 vaccines and

testing kits, as well as closely related services, from VAT when

sold to hospitals, medical practitioners and individuals.

This measure only concerns COVID-19 vaccines which have been

authorized by the Commission or by the EU Member States and

COVID-19 testing kits that comply with the applicable EU


The measure will apply until 31 December 2022.

EU Member States may also apply a reduced VAT rate to testing

kits and closely related services, if they choose to do so (instead

of a zero rate). This possibility was already available for


The Belgian Minister of Finance has in this respect decided that

COVID-19 vaccines and in vitro diagnostic medical devices for this

disease are subject to a 0% VAT rate. This measure applies as from

1 January 2021 until 31 December 2022.

The supply, intra-Community acquisition and import of the

following goods is subject to the 0% VAT rate (see Circular letter

no. 2021/C/3 of 11 January 2021) :

  • COVID-19 vaccines that have been granted a European market

    authorization and are registered as medicines by the Minister of

    Public Health, and

  • Diagnostic tests for this disease, such as PCR tests (nucleic

    acid test) and antigen tests via a sample taken from the nose,

    serological tests via blood sampling and (antibody) self-testing.

    The diagnostic tests must meet the requirements of the EU in the

    field of medical devices for in vitro diagnostics (see a.o.

    Directive 98/79/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of

    27 October 1998 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices and

    Regulation 2017/745 of the European Parliament and of the Council

    of 5 April 2017 on medical devices, amending Directive 2001/83/EC,

    Regulation (EC) No 178/2002 and Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 and

    repealing Council Directives 90/385/EEC and 93/42/EEC)

This 0% VAT rate also applies to services which are closely

linked to the aforementioned vaccines and medical devices (e.g.

taking the test, analysis of the test at the assigned lab,

administering a vaccine). This means that no VAT shall be due on

the services of medical, paramedical, pharmaceutical and support

staff in the vaccination centers.

The Minister of Finance has also decided that the provision of

personnel by a city, municipality or CPAS to a first-line zone in

the context of the organization and operation of vaccination

centers can also take place under the 0% VAT rate (and so that no

VAT would be due).

Hairdressers – modification to the calculation of the VAT

forfeit for Q4 2020

Update 21 December 2020

Men, women and men-women hairdressers can benefit from a

modification to the calculation of their forfeit to adapt their

turnover to the corona crisis.

The number of type services that should be taken into account on

the calculation sheet for 2020 (box II) that serves as a base for

the VAT return related to Q4 2020 are :

  • For men : 307 instead of 1140
  • For women : 144 instead of 534

Deduction of input VAT on costs relating to cars which are used

for both private and professional purposes (company cars)

Due to the exceptional situation created by the Covid-19

lockdown and mandatory teleworking, the semi-flat rate

(semi-forfaitaire) calculation method for the deduction of

input VAT on costs relating to cars which are used for both private

and professional purposes (calculation method 2) is distorted.

Therefore, the VAT authorities allow taxable persons who

normally apply calculation method 2 to deduct input VAT on the

basis of the general flat rate of 35% (calculation method 3).

Taxable persons can also combine calculation method 2 and

calculation method 3 for multiple cars, despite this in principle

being prohibited. The other application conditions for methods 2

and 3 remain of course in place.

It is important to note that these measures only apply to

calendar year 2020.

As of 2021, the taxable persons concerned (who applied

calculation method 3 or a combo of calculation method 2 and 3) can

again switch to calculation method 2.

Temporary reduced rate for the fine and interests on late

payment of VAT

Update May 2021

As a one-off support measure for businesses, the interest on

 the late payment of VAT debts is reduced to 4% per year

(instead of 9,6%) during the second quarter of 2021 (i.e. 1 April

until 30 June 2021). In addition, the proportional fine for the

late payment of VAT has been reduced from 15% to 10% during the

same period (i.e. Q2 of 2021).

Reduced thresholds for VAT refund

Update May 2021

In order to mitigate potential liquidity issues for taxable

persons as a result of the Covid-19 restrictions, the thresholds

for the refund of deductible VAT amounts exceeding the VAT amount

due as shown in the periodic VAT returns, have been reduced.

Contrary to other VAT related Covid-19 relief measures (excl. the

abolishment of the December advance payment), this measure is

permanent and has entered into force on 1 April 2021.

The reduced refund thresholds apply to all taxable persons with

a right to deduct input VAT who file monthly or quarterly VAT

returns. In addition to reaching the new threshold, the VAT return

must in any case be submitted by the 20th of the month

following the period to which the VAT return relates and the box

'refund request' should be ticked in the VAT return

concerned in order to get a reimbursement of the outstanding VAT


The new VAT refund thresholds are :

  • EUR 50 (instead of EUR 245) if the VAT refund is requested in

    the VAT return relating to the last month or quarter of the

    calendar year

  • EUR 400 (instead of EUR 615) if the VAT refund is requested in

    the VAT return relating to one of the first three quarters (of the

    calendar year) by a taxable person who files quarterly VAT


  • EUR 400 (instead of EUR 1.485) if the VAT refund is requested

    in the last monthly VAT return of one of the first three quarters

    (of the calendar year) by a taxable person who files monthly VAT


  • EUR 50 (instead of ERU 245) if the VAT refund is requested by a

    taxable person filing monthly VAT returns and holding an

    authorization for monthly refund of its VAT credit; ou alors

  • EUR 50 (instead of EUR 245) if the VAT refund is requested by

    the taxable person-starter (i.e. within 24 months as from the date

    on which he commenced its activity) filing monthly VAT


Temporary reduced VAT rate for restaurant and catering


Update May 2021

As most hotels, restaurants and bars were closed since October

2020, the VAT rate for certain restaurant and catering services has

been reduced to 6%.

The reduced VAT rate specifically applies to all services

whereby foods and/or drinks (incl. alcoholic beverages) are

provided to customers for on-site consumption. This includes

regular bars and restaurants (including bars and restaurants in

hotels, offices or sport clubs), food trucks and caterers.

The reduced VAT rate is applicable for all restaurant and

catering services for which VAT becomes due from 8 May until 30

September 2021.

Dutch tax measures

The Dutch government has published emergency measures to support

Dutch businesses dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Significant measures are :

  • Special deferral of payment obligations for inter alia

    corporate income tax, personal income tax, wage tax, value added

    tax, excises and consumer taxes

  • Revision of provisional 2020 corporate income tax or personal

    income tax assessments

  • Temporary reduction of recovery interest and tax interest rates

    from 4% and 8% respectively to 0.01%

  • Special COVID-19 tax reserve
  • Postponement implementation date legislative proposal

    'excessive current account debts of substantial


  • Reduction customary wage income of substantial


  • Increased 2020 budget for tax-free employment costs
  • Partial deferral of payment for energy tax, renewable energy

    surcharge and value added tax for certain enterprises

  • Relief of certain conditions for lower unemployment insurance

    contributions; et

  • Upcoming new regulations for compensation for wage costs of

    employees under which an allowance of up to 90% of wage costs can

    be granted

Most of the announced measures are of a temporary nature and

will in principle be in force until 1 October 2020. This period may

be extended.

Deferral of tax payment obligations and revision of provisional


The special deferral of tax payment and the revision of

provisional tax assessments are existing arrangements of which the

application will be temporarily simplified. In addition, these

measures are boosted due to the simultaneously announced reduction

of both the recovery interest and the tax interest from rates of 4%

and 8% respectively to a rate of 0.01% on an annual basis.

Special deferral of tax payment obligations

Businesses facing liquidity issues as a result of the COVID-19

impact, can request a special deferral of payment obligations for

many taxes, inter alia corporate income tax, personal income tax,

wage tax, and value added tax. Please note that dividend tax

explicitly has been excluded.

Once a tax return has been filed by the taxpayer and the Dutch Tax

Administration have issued a tax assessment, the request for

special deferral of tax payment obligations can be filed with the

Dutch Tax Administration in writing or through a digital portal.

The request for deferral of payment for payroll taxes and value

added tax must be filed once the additional tax assessment is


It is sufficient to state in the request that the COVID-19

crisis is the reason for the payment inability. Mentioned deferral

will be granted automatically for three months. No expert statement

is required for this three months period. A single request covers

all upcoming tax assessments that will be issued during the three

months period. No deferral will be granted if this would be against

the interests of the Dutch state (e.g. in case of abuse).

A request for deferral of payment for personal income tax, social

security contributions, corporate income tax, payroll taxes and

value added tax may be filed in one go. It is not necessary to wait

until a tax assessment has been received for all these five

taxes/levies. For other taxes, a request for deferral of payments

has to be separately filed for each tax.

An extension of the deferral after three months is possible, but

has to be done in writing and will be subject to an information

request from the Dutch Tax Administration. If the amount(s)

deferred exceed(s) EUR 20,000, an expert opinion should be

provided. The external expert will have to state that it is likely


  • there are real liquidity issues at the moment of the request or

    shortly thereafter; et

  • these liquidity issues are mainly caused by the COVID-19


In addition, the request needs to include a liquidity forecast

that is plausible according to the external expert.

Further, it has been announced that a statement from the

taxpayer will be required asserting that during the extended period

of deferral no dividend distributions will be made, no share

repurchases will take place and no bonuses will be granted. Suite

detailed information about the required content of this statement

will be published by the government shortly.

Please note that a special deferral of tax payment obligations is

also available to customs duties, albeit different conditions


A request to defer tax payment obligations qualifies in certain

situations as a notification of payment inability. Such

notification of (expected) payment inability in advance can be

required and avoids, if timely filed, reversal of the burden of

proof with regard to director liability. This applies to wage tax,

value added tax, excises and some other mainly indirect taxes.

Please see

here our Q&A for more detailed information on this


Reduction recovery interest rate to 0.01%

The recovery interest rate will be reduced from 4% to 0.01% on

an annual basis. This measure will take effect on 23 March 2020 and

will apply to all taxes due. The temporary reduction in principle

lasts until 1 October 2020. For situations where the taxpayer is

entitled to recovery interest, the 4% interest rate remains


No payment default penalty

The Dutch Tax Administration will not impose penalties for late

payments of wage tax or value added tax as of 12 March 2020.

Penalties for late payment that already have been imposed, will be


Revised provisional 2020 tax assessments

Businesses that expect a lower or higher taxable profit for 2020

due to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis can request a revised

provisional corporate or personal income tax assessment for 2020. A

refund will be provided if the revised tax assessment is lower than

the taxes that have already been paid in the first months of


Reduction tax interest rate to 0.01%

The tax interest rate will be reduced to 0.01% on an annual

basis (currently 8% for corporate income tax and 4% for other

taxes). As a result, the risk of tax interest due to a misjudged

estimate of the expected taxable profit should be remote. le

temporary rate reduction will be effective as of 1 June 2020 for

all taxes except for personal income tax, for which it will be

effective as of 1 July 2020, and lasts in principle until 1

October 2020.

Special COVID-19 tax reserve

The loss-compensation rules for Dutch corporate income tax

purposes currently allow one year carry back (and six years carry

forward). Taxpayers that would end up with a loss in 2020 as a

result of the COVID-19 crisis, could carry back such loss to

financial year 2019. (Provisional) formalization thereof (including

the refund of the 2019 tax paid) would take place in 2021 or 2022

at the earliest. Please note that provisional loss compensation is

capped at 80% of the estimated loss.

To accelerate loss-compensation and the resulting cash benefit,

it is possible to include a COVID-19 crisis tax reserve in the 2019

corporate income tax return. The amount of this reserve is the

expected loss in 2020 as a result of COVID-19, but may not exceed

the taxable profit 2019 excluding such reserve. By requesting a

revised provisional 2019 corporate income tax assessment including

such tax reserve, taxpayers can, if applicable, obtain a refund for

financial year 2019. Taxpayers estimating an overall positive

taxable result in 2020 are not allowed to benefit from this


Postponement implementation date of the legislative proposal

'excessive current account debts of substantial


The Dutch government had earlier proposed that as of 2022 a

'substantial shareholder' in a company (generally an

interest of at least 5%) would be taxed on a deemed dividend if and

to the extent the debts of the shareholder to the company

(excluding a loan to finance the primary residence of such

shareholder) exceed EUR 500,000. (Deemed) dividends received by a

substantial shareholder are taxed in Box II.

In view of the COVID-19 crisis, the Dutch government has decided

to postpone the implementation date to 1 January 2023.

Consequently, the first reference date for the determination of a

deemed profit distribution is postponed from 31 December 2022 to 31

December 2023. Substantial shareholders can, if necessary,

anticipate on this expected legislative proposal up to and

including 30 December 2023.

Reduction customary wage income for substantial


Shareholders that hold a substantial interest (generally an

interest of at least 5%) in a Dutch company and work for this

company are obliged to take into account a customary wage.

Following a specific calculation method and under certain

conditions, the amount of the customary wage may be reduced due to

the COVID-19 crisis.

Increased 2020 budget for tax-free employment costs

As part of the employment costs scheme for Dutch wage tax

purposes, an employer is entitled to a tax-free employment costs

budget. To mitigate the potential impact by COVID-19, the tax-free

employment budget will be increased for financial year 2020.

Deferral of taxes for suppliers of electricity and gas

Suppliers of electricity and gas are offered partial deferral of

payment of energy tax, renewable energy surcharge and value added

tax for the months April, May and June. It is intended that the

supplier will consequently not charge these amounts to the relevant

customers in those months. The measure has been designed as such

that in practice it will almost always concern large electricity or

gas consumers.

Measures unemployment insurance contribution

Per 1 January 2020, the lower unemployment insurance

contribution is due by the employer for employees with an

employment agreement for an indefinite period if the employment

agreement has been captured on paper and has been signed by

employer and employee. With regard to employees already employed

for an indefinite period per 31 December 2019, the lower

unemployment insurance contribution is due, if the employment

agreement of these employees is captured on paper before 1 April

2020. The government extended this deadline to 1 July 2020.

Additionally, the government will introduce a relief for cases

in which employees with an employment agreement for an indefinite

period will make more than 30% overtime due to the COVD-19. Sans

this relief, the higher unemployment insurance contribution would

be due by employees with retroactive effect. The government now

approves for the lower contribution to apply during 2020.

New regulation compensation wage costs

On 2 April 2020 the Temporary aid scheme to maintain employment

("Tijdelijke Noodmaatregel Overbrugging voor Werkbehoud,

NOW") entered into force. The NOW has replaced the existing

reduction of working hours scheme. The purpose of the NOW is to

prevent unemployment. Under the NOW, briefly stated, employers

continue to pay the employees' salary at 100%, while receiving

a substantial compensation ("aid") towards the wage costs

of up to 90% of the wage bill (up to a certain maximum) from the

Employee Insurance Agency ("UWV"). Requests for aid may

be submitted as from 6 April up to and including 31 May 2020. A

number of obligations are imposed on the employer to whom the aid

is granted. In order to qualify for the NOW, the employer must

demonstrate that it expects at least 20% loss of turnover during a

three-month consecutive period. If the company forms part of a

group in the meaning of the NOW, the main rules is that the loss of

turnover of the entire group is taken into account. Nevertheless,

if a group of companies as a whole suffers a loss of less than 20%

of turnover, but an individual operating company that forms part of

such group suffers a loss of turnover of 20% or more, this

operating company is – under very strict conditions –

as of 5 May 2020 also allowed to apply for aid. The NOW will most

likely be extended for another three months as from 1 June 2020. It

is however expected that other conditions will apply.

Please see here our Q&A for more

detailed information on this new regulation and please see here for more information on

some recent changes of the NOW scheme.

Luxembourg tax measures

On 17 March 2020, the Luxembourg tax authorities (LTA) published

COVID-19 crisis.

The measures are twofold and relate to (i) tax filing

obligations and (ii) tax payment obligations.

Filing obligations

The filing deadline for 2019 tax returns is delayed to 30 June

2020 for both corporate taxpayers and individual taxpayers.

Payment obligations

Corporate taxpayers may ask for (i) a waiver of the 2020 tax

advances for corporate income tax (CIT) and municipal business tax

(MBT) due for the first two quarters of 2020 and (ii) a

deferral of other payments on account of CIT, MBT and net wealth

tax (NWT).

To apply for the waiver of these 2020 tax advances, the taxpayer

should file a form which is available online. The tax advances

would then not become due and the payment of taxes would depend on

the tax amount included in the tax assessment 2020. The

'standard' possibility to reduce advances by means of a

reasoned request remains available.

For the deferral of other tax liabilities, a request needs to be

filed by the taxpayer using a form that is available online. Under

this procedure, an extension of four months without late interest

payment accrual (normally at a rate of 0.6% per month) would apply.

The extension only applies to the extent the tax amount is paid in

full at the latest upon the expiry of the four months period

starting from the original due date of the taxes. The extension

applies to CIT, MBT and NWT that were not due prior to 29 February

2020. Wage tax is explicitly excluded, as are withholding taxes

(such as for dividends and management fees).

Luxembourg is officially in a state of emergency (currently, for

a period of three months). This allows the government to bypass the

ordinary legislative process and to adopt measures more swiftly.

More specific measures related to taxation as a result of the

COVID-19 crisis may accordingly be announced, including on VAT.

Swiss tax measures

Since 13 March 2020, the federal council has taken various

measures aimed at slowing down the rapid spread of the coronavirus

(COVID-19) including a partial lockdown. The summary below,

provides an overview of measures immediately available to Swiss

taxpayers to reduce pressure related to tax and other public


Filing obligations: deadline extensions

Deadlines for pending tax return filings can be extended.

Although deadlines for income tax returns vary depending on the

canton, most cantons allow for extensions of the filing deadlines

well into the second half of 2020. Many cantons have urged tax

payers to use available online tools on the website of the cantonal

tax administration to extend filing deadlines.

Several cantons have enacted automatic extensions for tax return

filings, mainly with respect to individuals. Automatic extension

notably apply in Aargau (31 May 2020), Basel-Stadt (31 May 2020),

Solothurn (31 July 2020) and Zurich (31 May 2020). Taxpayers should

also check availability to extend deadlines beyond that date. Pour

corporations, the filing deadlines for tax returns can also be

extended (e.g. Zurich with a regular deadline of 30 September

2020, but extensions are possible).

Revised tax invoices, deferral and abatements of tax


To the extent that the taxpayers expect lower income or profits

for the 2020 tax period, revised tax invoices can be requested.

However, 2019 taxes may partially already be due or become due :

federal income taxes for the 2019 calendar year become due on 31

March 2020 whereas the due date of cantonal income taxes varies

significantly. Most cantons levy a compensatory/late interest for

amounts owed and paid after the due date. Therefore, tax payer may

seek to pay taxes in instalments or request a deferral of payment

to safeguard cash:

Revised preliminary invoices: taxpayers may request revised

preliminary tax invoices. Invoices can also be set at CHF 0 (nil)

to avoid any cash expenses. In most cantons, this will not hinder

interest charges (e.g. compensatory interest in Zurich for 2019

taxes is 0.50%). Taxpayers may, however, always request a deferral

of tax payments and/or a relief from taxes due to extraordinary


Deferral of federal income tax : deferrals can also cover

interest and have to be filed in writing with the cantonal tax

authority or via online tools to the extent available on the

website of the cantonal tax administration. A deferral can also

extend to preliminary tax invoices. Tax payers may also request a

payment in instalments (see below latest emergency measures).

Deferral of cantonal income taxes: in most cantons deferrals do

not cover interest charges. However, in most cantons interest rates

are low (e.g. 0.00% in Zug, 0.50% in Zurich for compensatory

interest) or have already been lowered to 0.00% (e.g. in

Solothurn). Taxpayers may even consider requesting a partial

abatement. Requests for tax deferrals have to be submitted to the

competent tax authority (e.g. the communal tax administration).

Most cantons allow for online filing of the request. Tax payers may

also request a payment in instalments.

Taxpayers may also request a full or partial abatement of income

taxes. It is expected that abatements are still subject to strict

requirements as a lot of cases can be handled through deferrals.

Given the special circumstances, tax authorities have been urged to

review requests for deferrals and abatements favourably. Some

cantons already announced to treat the impact of COVID-19 as an

extraordinary hardship for purposes of tax-related measures.

Similar possibilities apply for Swiss VAT where taxpayers may

request a deferral of VAT.

No interest charges for most federal taxes and levies

Separately, on 20 March 2020 the federal council announced to

lower interest charges for most federal taxes and levies.

  • Direct federal taxes: for direct federal taxes (individual

    income and wealth as well as corporate income and capital taxes)

    the interest rate has been lowered to 0.00% from 1 March 2020 to 31

    December 2020. As 2019 taxes become due on 31 March 2020, taxpayers

    will therefore not be required to pay interest even if they would

    not request a deferral and leave taxes unpaid

  • VAT, customs and special consumption taxes: For VAT, customs,

    excise duties and special consumption taxes (tobacco, alcohol,

    beer, heavy vehicle, automobile and petroleum taxes) the interest

    rate has been lowered to 0.00% from 20 March 2020 to 31 December


  • Social security (first pillar) : Finally, employers may also

    request a deferral of social security levies (old-age and

    survivors' insurance, i.e. the first-pillar) without interest

    being levied

Note that these measures notably do not apply to Swiss

withholding taxes (Verrechnungssteuer) and stamp taxes

(Stempelabgaben) for which the current interest is 5%


No debt enforcements

The federal government has suspended the possibility to start

debt enforcements in Switzerland for the period between 19 March

2020 to 4 April 2020 pursuant to article 62 of the federal act on

debt enforcement and bankruptcy. The suspension will tie in to the

general debt enforcement holiday until 19 April 2020 pursuant to

the Swiss debt enforcement and collection act.

Separately, the government also enacted a general stay for civil

and administrative proceedings until 19 April 2020. However, please

note that the regular stay does not apply to federal income taxes

as the relevant act does not contain a stay of deadlines.

Therefore, measures taken by the federal council will not hinder

legal deadlines with respect to these taxes.

Filling of Swiss VAT returns

Extension of filing and payment deadline

In Switzerland, the current filing period corresponds to the

calendar year. In principle, the Swiss VAT returns are subject to a

quarterly filing period and the VAT form must be submitted

unsolicited within 60 days of the end of the corresponding

reporting period : 1st quarter until 30 May / 2nd quarter until 30

August / 3rd quarter until 30 November / 4th quarter until 28


In order to strengthen its position, the taxable business may

review the following options:

  • Extension of VAT return filing deadline : The deadline for

    submission of the VAT return can be submitted online (no formal

    written request) and is in practice usually granted until the due

    date of the following reporting period. This in particular allows

    for some relief with respect to workload, taking into account the

    set-up or adjustment of the IT-systems for home office working

    spaces and potentially limited working capacities. However, the

    extension of filing deadline does in itself not affect the payment


  • Extension of payment deadline and of instalment payments: inn

    case that the payment of VAT ( plus interest) causes the taxable

    business significant hardship, the Swiss Federal Tax Administration

    (SFTA) may agree upon request of the taxable business to allow for

    an extension of the payment period or for the agreement of

    instalment payments

In principle, despite the extension of payment deadline, the VAT

payable becomes due within 60 days after the end of the respective

filing period and is thus usually subject to interest for late

payment of 4% as of the date the filing obligation would have been

due. In light of the current extraordinary circumstances and as a

temporary measure valid as of 21 March 2020 until 31 December

2020, the SFTA and the Swiss Federal Customs Authority do not levy

any interest for late payments for VAT, customs, special tax on

consumption and excise duties, or for incentive taxes. Similar

measures apply to direct federal taxes. The agreements on deadline

extension or payment instalment are usually subject to the

provision of reasonable security. It may be expected that the SFTA

would adjust that requirement to the individual circumstances of

the business concerned to avoid considerable hardship under the

particular circumstances.

Review of filing period

In respect of the VAT filing period, it might be an option to

review the suitability of the filing period for the taxable


  • Monthly reporting : If the business is on a regular basis in an

    input VAT credit position, the business may request filing and

    submission on a monthly basis. It is expected that the filing

    period chosen has to be complied with for at least one tax period

    (12 months). While the application for this filing period usually

    requests rather high input VAT credit positions on a regular basis,

    the SFTA might lower its requirements under the particular


  • Extended reporting period : Furthermore, the law provides the

    SFTA with the option to allow taxable businesses on application, in

    justifiable cases, to apply other reporting periods, subject to the

    conditions outlined by the SFTA. The SFTA has not published any

    further specification as to how such extended reporting period may

    be possible. In case of a rather low input VAT credit position and

    a rather high VAT amount payable by the business, it might be an

    option to approach the SFTA and discuss the adjustment of filing

    period within one tax period (12 months) to, for example, six


Payment of VAT refunds

As pointed out above, the payment of VAT debts

has to be made within 60 days after the filing period concerned.

The same applies in case of a credit balance of the business, i.e.

the SFTA is obliged to pay out the VAT credits within 60 days after

receipt of the VAT return, otherwise refund interest of 4% will be

due in favour of the business. While the SFTA does currently, as

one immediate measure, not levy any interest on late payments after

the expiration of the 60 days, it is possible that the SFTA will

try to repay the VAT refund at their earliest convenience under

consideration of the administrative efforts and resign from their

right to wait for 60 days for the pay-out.

Request for tax abatement

The SFTA may on request of the business consider a full or

partial abatement of bindingly assessed VAT. However, the cases for

which such request can be filed based on legal provisions are

limited to errors caused by excusable reasons, errors due to not

observing formal regulations, and for VAT assessments of the SFTA

which are claimed to be too high. The law does not provide for a

tax abatement based on other reasons, i.e. based on the best

judgement of the SFTA. While the tax abatement will remain limited

to those cases and to the rather strict requirements applicable

today, it is possible that due to the extraordinary circumstances,

the SFTA may review the abatement requests of those businesses

falling within the scope of the legally defined cases with a more

favourable approach.


1. The EFTA Authority seems to be following the

Commission in this respect.

2. For an overview of the measures of other EU Member

States, please see the website of the European Commission


The content of this article is intended to provide a general

guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought

about your specific circumstances.