Nous encourageons les résidents et les visiteurs à continuer d'utiliser des méthodes alternatives pour gérer les affaires de la Ville, si possible. Pour l'assistance de la mairie, composez le 901-457-2200 ; voir une liste complète des contacts de la ville de Collierville ici  :ées.

Liens rapides vers les services municipaux/communautaires

Actualités du covid19

Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby a publié la directive sanitaire n° 21, qui englobe toutes les municipalités du comté de Shelby, y compris Collierville. Cette directive donne des directives de sécurité pour les entreprises et le grand public. Pour obtenir des réponses aux questions COVID-19, appelez le centre d'appels COVID-19 du département de santé du comté de Shelby au 833-943-1658 (disponible pour prendre les appels de 8h00 à 16h20, du lundi au dimanche). Après les heures, laissez un message ; votre appel sera retourné le jour ouvrable suivant.

vendredi 14 mai 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby publie aujourd'hui une directive révisée sur la santé n° 21 qui entrera en vigueur le 15 mai à minuit. Cette directive sanitaire révisée n°21 :

1)    Modifie l'âge d'éligibilité à 12 ans et plus pour le vaccin Pfizer ;

2)    Clarifie l'utilisation du masque pour se conformer aux directives du CDC publiées le 13 mai 2021.

« Ces révisions de Directive Santé n°21 étaient nécessaires pour aligner les directives du ministère de la Santé sur les dernières directives fournies par les Centers for Disease Control and Prevention », a déclaré le directeur intérimaire de la santé, le Dr La Sonya Hall. « Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby continuera d'aligner nos recommandations en matière de santé sur les conseils d'experts nationaux et locaux en santé publique et en médecine. »

Mercredi 12 mai 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Les problèmes du département de la santé du comté de Shelby Directive Santé n°21 aujourd'hui pour entrer en vigueur le 15 mai à minuit. La directive sur la santé n° 21 est conçue pour être une directive à long terme qui équilibre les mesures de sécurité recommandées pour les particuliers et les entreprises avec des restrictions obligatoires considérablement réduites.

Principaux changements dans la Directive Santé n°21 :

  • Remplace la directive n° 5 sur les masques faciaux à la date d'entrée en vigueur de la directive 21 sur la santé (15 mai 2021), résultant en un document consolidé pour les informations liées à COVID
  • Fournit des conseils sur quand les masques ne doivent pas être portés, quand ils doivent être portés et quand ils sont fortement recommandés
  • Exige des masques pour certains employés qui travaillent dans des environnements où il y a un risque accru d'exposition
  • Permet aux entreprises, aux autorités scolaires et aux autorités publiques d'exiger des masques si des panneaux d'avertissement appropriés sont affichés aux entrées fréquemment utilisées
  • Réduit considérablement le nombre de restrictions obligatoires au profit d'orientations hautement recommandées
  • Permet aux organisateurs d'événements de grands festivals, foires, défilés, événements sportifs et événements communautaires de solliciter l'assistance technique du Ministère pour leur(s) plan(s) d'événement, mais le Ministère n'émettra pas d'« approbations » pour un événement pour le moment ; et
  • Permet aux écoles de demander l'assistance technique du Département pour leurs emplacements physiques, mais le Département n'émettra pas d'« approbations » de tout plan opérationnel lié à l'école

La dernière directive sur la santé indiquait: «Si le comté n'entre pas dans une troisième vague au cours des 30 prochains jours, la prochaine directive sur la santé fournira des conseils hautement recommandés sur le maintien de pratiques sûres pour les personnes et les entreprises qui ralentiront et mettront fin à la transmission de COVID 19, qui continue d'être une menace directe et mortelle pour les habitants du comté de Shelby. Plus vous et votre famille prenez de mesures pour empêcher la propagation du COVID-19, plus vous et les autres serez en sécurité. Encore une fois, veuillez noter que si le nombre de cas et d'autres indicateurs restent stables au cours des 30 prochains jours, la prochaine directive sanitaire, qui sera publiée en mai 2021, passera d'une approche obligatoire à une approche de recommandation. »

Les changements reflétés dans la directive sanitaire 21 peuvent être apportés à ce stade car les taux de cas du virus sont restés stables au cours des 30 derniers jours. À la mi-avril, lorsque la directive sanitaire 20 a été publiée, le taux moyen était d'environ 165 nouveaux cas par jour. Maintenant, cette moyenne est d'environ 135 cas par jour. Lire la directive sanitaire complète ici.

vendredi 7 mai 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - Se faire vacciner n'est pas seulement votre meilleure chance de rester en sécurité et en bonne santé, vous aurez également la chance de gagner un tout nouveau véhicule de votre choix  ! Il y a une Chevrolet Camaro, Chevy Colorado, Nissan Rogue, Nissan Altima ou tout autre véhicule similaire de valeur égale ou moindre à gagner.

Ce cadeau est ouvert à tous les résidents du comté de Shelby âgés de 18 ans ou plus au moment de l'inscription. L'admissibilité sera confirmée avec votre carnet de vaccination, alors assurez-vous de le conserver ! Pour participer au concours, visitez pour remplir et soumettre le formulaire d'inscription en ligne (« Entrée principale ») ou en appelant le 901-222-SHOT. Toutes les inscriptions doivent être reçues avant 23h39 le 31/05/2021.

Le site de vaccination de l'église baptiste de Germantown (9450 Poplar Avenue) recevra les première et deuxième doses de Pfizer la semaine prochaine aux dates suivantes  :

Pour prendre rendez-vous sur un autre site public de vaccination, visitez :

Si vous n'avez pas accès à Internet, veuillez composer le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) ou le 615-552-1998 entre 9 h et 18 h 30; sept jours sur sept.

Si vous êtes confiné à la maison et avez besoin d'une vaccination COVID-19, veuillez appeler le 901-222-SHOT ou demandez une vaccination à domicile ici : (Veuillez prévoir 1 à 2 semaines pour être contacté.)

vendredi 30 avril 2021

GERMANTOWN, TN - Le site de vaccination de l'église baptiste de Germantown (9450 Poplar Avenue) recevra les première et deuxième doses de Pfizer la semaine prochaine aux dates suivantes  :

  • Lundi 5/3 (Fermé)
  • Mardi 5/4 (Fermé)
  • Mercredi 5/5 9h-16h
  • Jeudi 5/6 11h-19h **Horaires prolongés ! **
  • Vendredi 5/7 9h-18h
  • Samedi 5/8 9h-14h **Disponibilité week-end ! **

Prenez rendez-vous sur le site de l'église baptiste de Germantown :

Pour prendre rendez-vous sur un autre site public de vaccination, visitez :

Si vous n'avez pas accès à Internet, veuillez composer le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) ou le 615-552-1998 entre 9 h et 18 h 30; sept jours sur sept.

Si vous êtes confiné à la maison et avez besoin d'une vaccination COVID-19, veuillez appeler le 901-222-SHOT ou demandez une vaccination à domicile ici : (Veuillez prévoir 1 à 2 semaines pour être contacté.)

Lundi 26 avril 2021

GERMANTOWN, TN - Le site de vaccination de l'église baptiste de Germantown (9450 Poplar Avenue) sera ouvert du lundi 26 avril au vendredi 30 avril de 9 h à 18 h. Le mercredi 28 avril, les heures d'ouverture seront de 9 h à 16 h. Le site de GBC distribuera les première et deuxième doses du vaccin Pfizer du lundi 26 au vendredi 30 avril. Les lundi 26 et mardi 27 avril, aucun rendez-vous n'est nécessaire. Nous aurons 1 000 vaccins disponibles pour la distribution selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi jusqu'à épuisement des stocks.

Du mercredi au vendredi, lien d'inscription à la première dose de Pfizer  : mercredi au vendredi, deuxième dose du lien d'inscription Pfizer  :

Les rendez-vous de vaccination dans le comté de Shelby sont désormais ouverts à tous les adultes de plus de 16 ans. Les résidents ne doivent pas arriver plus d'une heure avant l'heure prévue du rendez-vous. Les résidents qui n'ont pas de rendez-vous seront refoulés. Les personnes de moins de 18 ans doivent être accompagnées d'un parent ou tuteur pour se faire vacciner. Le parent ou le tuteur devra présenter une pièce d'identité et remplir et signer un formulaire de consentement sur place pour que son enfant se fasse vacciner.

Les résidents sans accès Internet peuvent appeler le 901-222-SHOT (7468) pour prendre rendez-vous entre 9 h et 18 h 30. sept jours sur sept.

Mercredi 14 avril 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN – Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby publie aujourd'hui la directive sur la santé n° 20 qui entrera en vigueur le 17 avril à minuit. Directive Santé n°20 lève davantage les restrictions sur les entreprises, en particulier les restaurants et encourage la vaccination pour tous les résidents éligibles.

Principaux changements dans la Directive Santé n°20 :

  • souligne l'éligibilité de toutes les personnes âgées de 16 ans et plus au vaccin Pfizer et de 18 ans et plus au vaccin Moderna
  • Exige des propriétaires qu'ils fournissent aux locataires des avis plus détaillés sur la disponibilité des ressources
  • Ouvre les buffets (mais nécessite des mesures sanitaires supplémentaires)
  • Permet de danser à l'intérieur si les danseurs maintiennent une séparation de 6 pieds avec ceux qui ne font pas partie de la même unité familiale ou du même groupe de contacts étroits ; et
  • Indique explicitement que les organisateurs d'événements n'ont besoin de soumettre un plan via le portail que s'ils impliquent même plus de 500 personnes

Bien que le virus COVID-19 reste une menace, ces révisions sont désormais jugées admissibles car la transmission est faible.

« Nous sommes heureux de pouvoir apporter ces modifications à la directive santé. Nous surveillerons attentivement l'activité virale au cours des 30 prochains jours pour déterminer si davantage de mesures préventives peuvent être levées », a déclaré La Sonya Hall, directrice de la santé par intérim. « Si la transmission communautaire reste faible, nous accueillerons favorablement la possibilité de lever encore plus de restrictions et de reprendre des activités plus normales. »

Lisez l'intégralité de la directive sur la santé n° 20 ici  :

vendredi 9 avril 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Les rendez-vous de vaccination COVID-19 dans le comté de Shelby sont désormais ouverts à tous les adultes de plus de 16 ans. Les résidents ne doivent pas arriver plus d'une heure avant l'heure prévue du rendez-vous. Les résidents qui n'ont pas de rendez-vous seront refoulés. Les personnes de moins de 18 ans doivent être accompagnées d'un parent ou tuteur pour se faire vacciner ; le parent ou le tuteur devra présenter une pièce d'identité et remplir et signer un formulaire de consentement sur place pour que son enfant se fasse vacciner.

Pour prendre rendez-vous, visitez Les résidents sans accès à Internet peuvent appeler le 901-222-SHOT (7468) entre 9 h et 18 h 30. Sept jours sur sept.

Le site de vaccination de l'église baptiste de Germantown (9450 Poplar Avenue) sera ouvert du lundi 12 avril au vendredi 16 avril de 9 h à 18 h. Le mercredi 14 avril, les heures d'ouverture seront de 9 h à 16 h. Le site de GBC distribuera les première et deuxième doses du vaccin Pfizer du lundi 11 avril au vendredi 16 avril.

vendredi 26 mars 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - COVID-19[feminine Les rendez-vous de vaccination dans le comté de Shelby sont désormais ouverts à tous les adultes de plus de 16 ans. Les résidents ne doivent pas arriver plus d'une heure avant l'heure prévue du rendez-vous. Les résidents qui n'ont pas de rendez-vous seront refoulés. Les personnes de moins de 18 ans doivent être accompagnées d'un parent ou tuteur pour se faire vacciner ; le parent ou le tuteur devra présenter une pièce d'identité et remplir et signer un formulaire de consentement sur place pour que son enfant se fasse vacciner.

Pour prendre rendez-vous, visitez Les citoyens sans accès à Internet peuvent appeler le 901-222-SHOT (7468) entre 9 h et 18 h 30. Sept jours sur sept.

Le site de vaccination de l'église baptiste de Germantown (9450 Poplar Avenue) sera ouvert du lundi 29 mars au jeudi 1er avril de 9 h à 18 h. Le mercredi 31 mars, les heures d'ouverture seront de 9 h à 16 h. Si vous avez besoin d'un rendez-vous Pfizer pour la première dose chez GBC, visitez Si vous avez besoin d'un rendez-vous Pfizer deuxième dose chez GBC, visitez

Tous les sites publics de vaccination COVID-19 du comté de Shelby sont ouverts du lundi au samedi de 9h à 18h. Les liens d'inscription aux rendez-vous sont publiés le vendredi à midi pour les rendez-vous de la semaine suivante.

Mercredi 17 mars 2021

Principaux changements dans la Directive Santé n°19 :

  • Augmentation du nombre de personnes aux tables à 8 au lieu de 6
  • Les personnes assises ensemble doivent appartenir à la même unité familiale ou à un groupe de contact étroit
  • Les barmans sont encouragés à porter un écran facial ou un double masque lorsqu'ils servent plusieurs groupes au bar, mais ne sont pas tenus de le faire
  • Les heures d'ouverture du service de restauration se terminent à 1 h du matin (les clients peuvent rester jusqu'à 1 h 30 pour terminer les arrangements de repas/paiement)
  • La limite de deux heures pour le service alimentaire est supprimée
  • Tout endroit qui sert de la bière ou de l'alcool doit servir de la nourriture comme l'exige la loi de l'État (et avoir un permis pour le faire)
  • Supprime l'exigence de conserver les enregistrements de recherche des contacts

Principaux changements dans la directive sur les masques faciaux n°5  :

  • Les masques faciaux sont requis en vertu de cette directive mais « les masques de qualité médicale ou de procédure sont recommandés mais pas obligatoires ; les revêtements faits de tissus en couches appropriés sont acceptables, mais les écharpes, les masques de ski et les cagoules ne remplacent pas les masques
  • Les personnes qui ne peuvent pas tolérer médicalement le port d'un couvre-visage ne sont pas tenues de porter un écran facial, et aucune personne refusant de porter un couvre-visage en raison d'un problème de santé n'est tenue de produire un document médical de vérification

Bien que le virus COVID-19 reste une menace, ces révisions sont jugées admissibles maintenant car notre communauté a connu une transmission réduite du virus pendant une période de plus de 14 jours.

Le taux de reproduction virale dans le comté de Shelby est actuellement estimé à 0,84 et est resté inférieur à 1,0 depuis début janvier. Le nombre de cas a continué de baisser depuis début janvier. Les taux hebdomadaires de positivité des tests COVID-19 sont les plus bas depuis octobre.

Pour plus d'informations sur la réponse du comté de Shelby à la pandémie, veuillez visiter leur page d'information COVID-19 :

Mercredi 10 mars 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN – En accord avec le département de la santé du Tennessee, le département de la santé du comté de Shelby ajoute des problèmes de santé chroniques à haut risque supplémentaires à la liste des personnes pouvant être vaccinées dans le cadre de la phase 1c du plan de vaccination du département de la santé du Tennessee.

Ceux-ci incluent les personnes qui répondent aux critères suivants :

  • Membres permanents du ménage âgés de 16 ans et plus vivant avec des femmes enceintes
  • Personnes de 16 ans et plus atteintes du syndrome de Down
  • Personnes de 16 ans et plus atteintes de maladies neuromusculaires évolutives telles que la SLA, la sclérose en plaques ou la dystrophie musculaire

Les autres problèmes de santé chroniques graves couverts par la phase 1C comprennent les maladies rénales chroniques ; BPCO, fibrose pulmonaire ou asthme modéré à sévère ; obésité (IMC > 30) ; les maladies cardiaques, y compris l'insuffisance cardiaque, la maladie coronarienne, la cardiomyopathie et l'hypertension ; drépanocytose; maladie cérébrovasculaire ou accident vasculaire cérébral; démence; et maladie du foie. Le vaccin sera également mis à la disposition des soignants des personnes présentant des conditions médicales à haut risque et des femmes enceintes. Pour une liste détaillée des conditions de santé à haut risque couvertes par la phase 1C, veuillez vous référer au plan de vaccination COVID-19 du Tennessee publié ici :

Les critères de base d'âge pour la vaccination demeureront l'âge de 65 ans et plus. Toute personne de cette catégorie d'âge est actuellement éligible à la vaccination, quelles que soient les autres conditions à risque.

Les personnes dans les phases précédentes, y compris les premiers intervenants, les travailleurs de la santé, les enseignants et les travailleurs en garderie qui n'ont pas encore été vaccinés, restent éligibles à la vaccination pendant la phase 1C, ainsi que toute personne âgée de 65 ans ou plus.

Les disponibilités pour les rendez-vous dans les lieux de vaccination de la ville de Memphis et du comté de Shelby seront affichées à chaque vendredi de la semaine suivante.

Ceux qui n'ont pas accès à Internet ou qui ont besoin d'aide pour prendre rendez-vous peuvent appeler le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) pour obtenir de l'aide.

vendredi 5 mars 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - À partir du lundi 8 mars 2021, les vaccinations commenceront pour la phase 1c. L'âge admissible reste de 65 ans et plus et comprend les résidents de 16 ans ou plus ayant des problèmes de santé qui les exposent à un risque de maladie grave due à COVID-19. Seuls les citoyens qui répondent aux critères d'éligibilité seront vaccinés et les rendez-vous sont obligatoires. Les citoyens ne doivent pas arriver plus d'une heure avant l'heure prévue du rendez-vous et apporter une preuve de rendez-vous. Si vous n'avez pas de rendez-vous, vous serez refoulé.

Pour prendre rendez-vous, visitez Les citoyens sans accès à Internet ou qui ont besoin d'aide pour planifier en ligne peuvent appeler le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) entre 8 h et 16 h 30.

La première et la deuxième dose de Pfizer seront à : Germantown Baptist Church 9450 Poplar Ave Germantown, TN 38139 Du lundi au vendredi, de 9 h à 18 h, le mercredi de 9 h à 16 h. Première dose de Pfizer uniquement  : jeudi et vendredi 11 - 12 mars Deuxième dose Pfizer uniquement : du lundi au mercredi 8 au 10 mars * La deuxième dose de Moderna sera disponible les lundi, mardi et mercredi au Pipkin Building.

Midtown/Pipkin Building - 940 Early Maxwell Blvd Memphis, TN 38104 Du lundi au samedi, de 9 h à 18 h * Deuxième dose de Moderna uniquement  : du lundi au mercredi du 8 au 10 marsère dose Pfizer uniquement : du jeudi au samedi du 11 au 13 mars

Cordova/Old Appling Inspection Station 2355 Appling City Cove Memphis, TN 38133 Du lundi au samedi, de 9 h à 18 h. Première dose Pfizer uniquement : du lundi au mercredi 8 au 10 marsème dose de Pfizer uniquement  : du jeudi au samedi 11 - 13 mars

Raleigh/Greater Imani Cathedral of Praise 3824 Austin Peay Hwy Memphis, TN 38128 Du lundi au samedi, de 9 h à 18 h. Première dose Pfizer uniquement : du jeudi au samedi du 11 au 13 marsème dose Pfizer uniquement : du lundi au mercredi 8 au 10 mars

Whitehaven/Southwest Tennessee Community College 1234 Finley Memphis, TN 38116 Du mardi au samedi, de 9 h à 18 h. Première dose de Pfizer uniquement  : mardi et mercredi 9 - 10 mars Deuxième dose Pfizer uniquement : du jeudi au samedi 11 au 13 mars

Entrepôt du programme d'aliments supplémentaires pour les produits de base, 1020 South Bellevue, 38106 les mardis et jeudis de 9 h à 15 h Sans rendez-vous, sans rendez-vous

Première pharmacie 1087 Alice Ave Memphis, TN 38106 Du mardi au samedi 16h – 20h Administration  : première et deuxième doses de Pfizer, deuxièmes doses de Moderna et vaccin à une dose de Johnson & Johnson

Si les résidents souhaitent en savoir plus ou s'ils sont admissibles à un vaccin, veuillez visiter ou appelez le 901 222 Shot (7468).

Mercredi 3 mars 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN – En accord avec le département de la santé du Tennessee, le département de la santé du comté de Shelby passera à la phase 1C du plan de vaccination COVID-19 du Tennessee le lundi 8 mars 2021. Cette phase comprend les résidents âgés de 16 ans ou plus. avec des conditions de santé qui les exposent à un risque de maladie grave due au COVID-19. L'âge admissible restera de 65 ans et plus.

Les maladies chroniques graves couvertes par la phase 1C comprennent les maladies rénales chroniques ; BPCO, fibrose pulmonaire ou asthme modéré à sévère ; obésité (IMC > 30) ; les maladies cardiaques, y compris l'insuffisance cardiaque, la maladie coronarienne, la cardiomyopathie et l'hypertension ; drépanocytose; maladie cérébrovasculaire ou accident vasculaire cérébral; démence; et maladie du foie. Le vaccin sera également mis à la disposition des soignants des personnes présentant des conditions médicales à haut risque et des femmes enceintes. Pour une liste détaillée des conditions de santé à haut risque couvertes par la phase 1C, veuillez vous référer au plan de vaccination COVID-19 du Tennessee publié ici :

Les personnes dans les phases précédentes, y compris les premiers intervenants, les travailleurs de la santé, les enseignants et les travailleurs en garderie qui n'ont pas encore été vaccinés, restent éligibles à la vaccination pendant la phase 1C, ainsi que toute personne âgée de 65 ans ou plus.

Les disponibilités pour les rendez-vous dans les lieux de vaccination de la ville de Memphis et du comté de Shelby seront affichées à chaque vendredi de la semaine suivante.

Ceux qui n'ont pas accès à Internet ou qui ont besoin d'aide pour prendre rendez-vous peuvent appeler le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) pour obtenir de l'aide.

Mardi 2 mars 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Treize (13) emplacements Walgreens ont été ajoutés au programme de partenariat fédéral de pharmacie pour les vaccinations COVID. Les premiers rendez-vous pour les résidents ouvriront le vendredi 5 mars. Le planificateur de rendez-vous ouvrira mercredi ou jeudi pour permettre aux patients de sélectionner les heures de rendez-vous. Visite :

vendredi 26 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - À l'avenir, les sites publics de vaccination COVID-19 dans le comté de Shelby fonctionneront du lundi au samedi de 9 h à 18 h. Les liens d'inscription aux rendez-vous seront désormais publiés les vendredis à midi pour les rendez-vous de la semaine suivante.

Il y aura des premières doses de Pfizer la semaine prochaine à Germantown Baptist Church 9450 Poplar Ave Germantown, TN 38139, du lundi au samedi, de 9h00 à 18h00, les mercredis de 9h00 à 16h00. Lien Pfizer 1ère dose  :

Les personnes ayant déjà des rendez-vous doivent se présenter à l'heure prévue. Il n'est pas nécessaire de reporter un rendez-vous.

Seuls les citoyens répondant aux critères d'éligibilité seront vaccinés et les rendez-vous sont obligatoires. Les citoyens ne doivent pas arriver plus d'une heure avant l'heure prévue du rendez-vous et apporter une preuve de rendez-vous. Il est interdit aux personnes sans rendez-vous, même si elles font partie d'un groupe éligible, de se rendre sur le site de vaccination sans rendez-vous. Si vous n'avez pas de rendez-vous, vous serez refoulé.

Pour prendre rendez-vous, visitez Les citoyens sans accès à Internet ou qui ont besoin d'aide pour planifier en ligne peuvent appeler le 901-222-7468 (SHOT) entre 8 h et 16 h 30.

Plus d'emplacements de sites de vaccination publics  :

Midtown/Pipkin Building 940 Early Maxwell Blvd Memphis, TN 38104 Du lundi au samedi, 9 h 00 – 18h *Deuxième dose uniquement* Lien Pfizer  :

Cordova/Old Appling Inspection Station 2355 Appling City Cove Memphis, TN 38133 Du lundi au samedi, de 9 h à 18 h. Lien Pfizer 1ère dose  :

Raleigh/Greater Imani Cathedral of Praise 3824 Austin Peay Hwy Memphis, TN 38128 Du lundi au samedi, de 9h00 à 18h00. *Les lundis, mardis et mercredis sont ouverts pour les rendez-vous pour la 1ère dose Pfizer*Les jeudi, vendredi et samedi sont ouverts pour les *rendez-vous pour la 2ème dose uniquement* Lien Pfizer  :

Whitehaven/Southwest Tennessee Community College 1234 Finley Memphis, TN 38116 Du mardi au samedi, 9h00 – 18h *Deuxième dose uniquement* Lien Pfizer  :

Entrepôt du programme d'alimentation supplémentaire des produits de base, 1020 South Bellevue, 38106 les mardis et jeudis de 8h00 à 15h00 *Deuxième dose uniquement* PfizerCall 901 222 Shot (7468) à programmer.

Les résidents intéressés à en savoir plus ou s'ils sont admissibles à un vaccin, veuillez visiter ou appeler le 901 222 Shot (7468).

Lundi 22 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN – Au cours de la semaine du 22 février au 27 février 2021, le département de la santé du comté de Shelby (SCHD) et les agences partenaires offriront des vaccins de maquillage pour ceux dont les rendez-vous ont été annulés en raison du mauvais temps et de quelques nouvelles disponibilités limitées de rendez-vous.

Toute personne ayant un rendez-vous prévu à Appling City Cove, au Pipkin Building, à l'église baptiste de Germantown ou au SWTCC Whitehaven Center qui a été annulé en raison du mauvais temps sera automatiquement reportée à un rendez-vous au même endroit, le même jour de la semaine et à la même heure pendant la semaine du 22 février 2021. Ils recevront un e-mail précisant la date de leur report de rendez-vous. Il n'est pas nécessaire de reporter ces rendez-vous.

De plus, le ministère de la Santé propose cette semaine de nouveaux rendez-vous pour la première et la deuxième dose. Les liens d'inscription suivants sont publiés sur le site Web du SCHD  : Toute personne n'ayant pas accès à Internet peut appeler le numéro de la hotline de vaccination du ministère de la Santé : 901-222-7468 (SHOT) pour obtenir de l'aide pour fixer un rendez-vous. Cette hotline est ouverte de 8h00 à 16h20, sept jours sur sept.

À compter du mercredi 25 février 2021, les enseignants, les fournisseurs de services de garde et les personnes de 65 ans et plus peuvent se faire vacciner et peuvent s'inscrire à des rendez-vous de vaccination.

(Veuillez vous inscrire uniquement pour un rendez-vous si vous avez reçu la 1ère dose au plus tard à la date indiquée sur le lien d'inscription)

De plus, ce vendredi et samedi 26 et 27 février, le département de la santé du comté de Shelby mettra en place des sites de vaccination contextuels dans deux églises. Ces sites sont réservés aux premières doses  :

Des informations actualisées sur la vaccination seront publiées sur le site Web du SCHD COVID-19  :

Mercredi 17 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Les problèmes du département de la santé du comté de Shelby Directive Santé n°18 aujourd'hui pour entrer en vigueur le 20 février à minuit. La directive sur la santé n° 18 lève en outre les restrictions sur les entreprises, en particulier les restaurants, qui servent le public.

Principaux changements dans la Directive Santé n°18 :

  • Permet le service de nourriture et de boissons jusqu'à minuit
  • Élimine les restrictions de capacité pour les services de restauration mais exige que pour tous les repas intérieurs/extérieurs, les sièges soient séparés de 6 pieds et disposés de sorte que chaque personne assise à une table soit séparée de 6 pieds des autres personnes assises à une autre table
  • Les clients peuvent être assis et servir de la nourriture et des boissons dans un bar tant qu'il y a des sièges fixes pour les groupes de deux personnes maximum et que chaque ensemble de deux sièges est séparé de six pieds (et séparé de toute autre table de six pieds également). )
  • Les salons de cigares/narguilés auront les mêmes restrictions que les restaurants. Toutes les entreprises devraient interdire de fumer ou de vapoter à l'intérieur en raison du risque de transmission aérienne du virus. Tout tabagisme à l'intérieur autorisé doit être conforme à la loi du Tennessee sur les exigences en matière d'âge, d'heure et de lieu

Bien que le virus COVID-19 reste une menace, ces activités sont jugées autorisées maintenant car notre communauté a connu une transmission réduite du virus pendant une période de plus de 14 jours.

Le taux de reproduction virale dans le comté de Shelby est de 0,8, le plus bas depuis le début de la pandémie. Le nombre de cas a continué de baisser depuis début janvier. Les taux de positivité hebdomadaires des tests COVID-19 sont les plus bas depuis octobre.

Pour plus d'informations sur la réponse du comté de Shelby à la pandémie, veuillez visiter la page d'information SCHD COVID-19 :

Mardi 16 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN – Toutes les installations du département de la santé du comté de Shelby et les sites de vaccination COVID-19 suivants resteront fermés jusqu'au samedi 20 février 2021, en raison des intempéries et de la menace de conditions de conduite dangereuses. Ces sites comprennent :

  • Station d'inspection d'Appling - 2355 Appling City Cove, Memphis, TN 38133
  • Bâtiment Pipkin – 940 Early Maxwell Road, Memphis, TN 38104
  • Église baptiste de Germantown – 9450 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN 38139
  • Southwest Tennessee Community College Whitehaven Center – 1234 Finley Road, Memphis, 38116
  • Entrepôt CSFP - 1020 Sud Bellevue 38106

Tous les rendez-vous prévus du mardi 16 février au samedi 20 février seront reportés à une date ultérieure.

La semaine prochaine, tous les partenaires travailleront avec diligence pour faire vacciner la communauté du comté de Shelby.

Des informations mises à jour concernant les fermetures seront affichées sur le site Internet.

Lundi 15 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Les sites de vaccination COVID-19 suivants seront fermés demain, 16 février 2021 en raison des intempéries et de la menace de conditions de conduite dangereuses  :

  • Bâtiment Pipkin – 940 Early Maxwell Road, Memphis, TN 38104
  • Église baptiste de Germantown – 9450 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN 38139
  • Southwest Tennessee Community College Whitehaven Center – 1234 Finley Road, Memphis, 38116
  • Entrepôt CSFP - 1020 Sud Bellevue 38106

Tous les rendez-vous prévus pour le mardi 16 février seront reportés à une date ultérieure.

Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby prendra des décisions concernant les opérations de vaccination au jour le jour par mauvais temps. Une décision concernant mercredi sera annoncée demain après-midi à 14h00.

Des informations mises à jour concernant les fermetures seront affichées sur le site Internet.

vendredi 12 février 2021

COMTÉ DE SHELBY, TN - Le département de la santé du comté de Shelby (SCHD) propose des rendez-vous pour les première et deuxième doses de vaccins COVID-19 pour les personnes des groupes prioritaires actuels au cours de la semaine du 13 au 20 février 2021.


Du mardi 16 février au vendredi 19 février de 9 h à 18 h

Quoi : Premier (1er) rendez-vous de doseOù : Site d'inspection Appling, 2355 Appling City CoveLien d'inscription :

Mercredi 17 février de 9 h à 16 h

Quoi : Premier (1er) rendez-vous de doseOù : Église baptiste de Germantown, 9450 Poplar AvenueLien d'inscription :

Jeudi 18 février 2021 de 9h00 à 18h00

Quoi : Rendez-vous reportés à partir du jeudi 11 févrierOù : Pipkin Building, 940 Early Maxwell Road, SWTCC à 1234 Finley Road, Germantown Baptist Church, 9450 Poplar AvenueAUCUN NOUVEAU RENDEZ-VOUS DISPONIBLEVendredi 19 février 2021, de 9 h à 18 h.

Quoi : Rendez-vous reportés à partir du vendredi 12 févrierOù : Bâtiment Pipkin, 940 Early Maxwell Road et SWTCC au 1234 Finley Road AUCUN NOUVEAU RENDEZ-VOUS DISPONIBLE


Samedi 13 février 2021 de 9h00 à 13h00

Quoi : Deuxième (2e) rendez-vous de dose - Pfizer uniquementOù : Site d'inspection Appling, 2355 Appling City CoveLien d'inscription :

Ceux qui ont reçu la première dose de Pfizer le ou avant le 27 janvier peuvent programmer une deuxième dose le 13 février. Ne prenez pas de rendez-vous pour une deuxième dose cette semaine si vous avez reçu votre première dose de Pfizer après le 27 janvier.

Mardi 16 février 2021 de 9h à 18h

Quoi : Deuxième (2e) doses de Pfizer et ModernaOù : Germantown Baptist Church, 9450 Poplar AvenueLien d'inscription :

Mardi et mercredi 16 et 17 février 2021, de 9 h à 18 h

What: Second (2nd) Dose Appointments – Pfizer and ModernaWhere : Pipkin Building, 940 Early Maxwell RoadSignup Link :

Those who received the first dose of Moderna on or before January 22nd or their first dose of Pfizer on or before January 29th, may schedule a second dose on February 16th or 17th. Do not schedule a second dose appointment this week if your date of first dose of Moderna was after January 22nd or your first dose of Pfizer was after January 29th.

Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m.

What: Second (2nd) doses of Pfizer and ModernaWhere : Germantown Baptist Church, 9450 Poplar AvenueSignup Link :

Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m.

What: Second (2nd) doses of Pfizer onlyWhere : Appling Inspection Site, 2355 Appling City CoveSignup Link :

Those who received the first dose of Moderna on or before January 27th or their first dose of Pfizer on or before February 3rd may schedule a second dose on February 20th. Do not schedule a second dose appointment this week if your date of first dose of Moderna was after January 27th or your first dose of Pfizer was after February 3rd.


Saturday, February 20, 2021, 9 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m.

What: Senior Saturday – first (1st) and second (2nd) doses of Pfizer and ModernaWhere : Pipkin Building, 940 Early Maxwell RoadSignup Link :


Several hundred appointments per each day are reserved for telephone-assisted scheduling. Those without internet access or who need assistance may call 901-222-7468(SHOT) beginning Saturday February 13, 2021 at 8 :00 a.m. Please note : the hotline will not be available for scheduling until Saturday February 13, 2021 at 8 :00 a.m.

The signup links are posted on the Health Department’s COVID-19 vaccination website : Anyone without Internet access may call the Health Department’s vaccination hotline number : 901-222-7468(SHOT) for assistance in setting an appointment.

The Health Department is committed to providing second doses to everyone who received a first dose at one of our vaccination sites. Starting this week, all persons who receive a first dose at a Health Department site will be scheduled for a second dose appointment upon receiving the first dose.

For more information about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit the health department website :

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The following COVID-19 vaccination sites will be closed tomorrow, February 12, 2021 due to inclement weather and the threat of hazardous driving conditions:

All appointments scheduled for Friday, February 12th will be rescheduled for the same time on Friday, February 19th. Emails will be sent to those with Friday appointments to notify them of the change. There is no need to reschedule appointments.

The Shelby County Health Department will make decisions regarding vaccine operations on a day-to-day basis during inclement weather.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The following COVID-19 vaccination sites will be closed tomorrow, February 11, 2021 due to inclement weather and the threat of hazardous driving conditions:

  • Pipkin Building – 940 Early Maxwell Road, Memphis, TN 38104- Germantown Baptist Church – 9450 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN 38139- Southwest Tennessee Community College Whitehaven Center – 1234 Finley Road, Memphis, 38116- CSFP Warehouse - 1020 South Bellevue 38106

All appointments scheduled for Thursday, February 11th will be rescheduled for the same time on Thursday, February 18th. Emails will be sent to those with Thursday appointments to notify them of the change. There is no need to reschedule appointments.

The Shelby County Health Department will make decisions regarding vaccine operations on a day-to-day basis during inclement weather. Updated vaccination information will be posted on

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) has scheduled an additional date this week for persons who have received a first dose of either Pfizer or Moderna vaccine to receive their second dose.

Both vaccines will now be offered at the Germantown Baptist Church vaccination site on Friday, February 12, 2021, from 9 :00 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m.

What: Second Dose AppointmentsWhere : Germantown Baptist Church, 9450 Poplar Avenue, Germantown, TN 38139When : Friday, February 12, 2021Signup Link :

Those who received the first dose of Moderna on or before January 19th or their first dose of Pfizer on or before January 26th, may schedule a second dose at this time. Do not schedule a second dose appointment this week if your date of first dose of Moderna was after January 19th or your first dose of Pfizer was after January 26th. Anyone without internet access may call the Health Department’s vaccination hotline number : 901-222-7468(SHOT) for assistance in setting an appointment.

Second doses are also being offered on Saturday, February 13, 2021 at the Pipkin Building, 940 Early Maxwell Road, but those appointments have all been booked at this time.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

COLLIERVILLE, TN - The City of Germantown and the Town of Collierville, in conjunction with the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), will be administering first doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at the Germantown Baptist Church on February 10 and 11. UPDATE : All available appointments are full. We will announce future vaccination dates as soon as the information becomes available.

Vaccines will be provided only to those who are eligible and have not received first doses. Please do not schedule an appointment if you have already received a first dose of vaccine. The following individuals are eligible to receive a first dose of the vaccine at this time :

  • Individuals 70 and above
  • First responders with direct public exposure including EMS, law enforcement, and fire fighters
  • Staff working at COVID-19 mass testing sites
  • Staff and residents of long-term care facilities, residential homes for the aged and staff and residents of assisted living centers who have direct contact with residents or contact with potentially infectious materials
  • Staff of other congregate care facilities such as homes for the intellectually or developmentally disabled, detention centers, Staff of Department of Children’s Services residential facilities, rehabilitation hospitals and psychiatric hospitals who have direct patient contact or contact with potentially infectious materials
  • Home health care staff with direct patient contact
  • Staff and residents of long-term care facilities, residential homes for the aged and staff and residents of assisted living centers who have direct contact with residents or contact with potentially infectious materials
  • Individuals > 18 years or older who cannot live independently due to serious chronic medical condition or intellectual or developmental disability
  • Providers of K-12 or university student health services who have direct patient contact or contact with potentially infectious materials
  • Funeral/mortuary service providers
  • Health care workers, including :
  • Primary care providers and staff
  • Outpatient specialty providers and staff working with acute patients
  • Pharmacists and staff
  • Patient transport
  • Outpatient therapists
  • Urgent visit center providers and staff
  • Environmental services
  • Oral health providers
  • Behavioral health providers
  • Outpatient laboratory staff working with COVID-19 specimens

The vaccination site at Germantown Baptist Church (9450 Poplar Avenue) will be open Wednesday, February 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday, February 11, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. To schedule an appointment at Germantown Baptist Church, visit

Those without internet access or who otherwise need assistance may call the COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline (901) 222-SHOT (7468) for help in setting an appointment. That line is staffed from 8 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. 7 days per week. for the latest information about vaccination availability.

Thursday, Febuary 4, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) announces that COVID-19 vaccinations will now be available to all persons age 70 and older, in addition to the other priority groups listed in the Tennessee Department of Health COVID-19 vaccination plan as 1a1 and 1a2.

Appointments for first doses are now available at the Pipkin Building, 940 Early Maxell Rd. and may be scheduled through this online link :, or with assistance by calling 901-222-7468 (901-222-SHOT).

Other providers are also vaccinating persons in the priority groups, including :

  • Cherokee Health Systems – Limited first dose appointments today and tomorrow, February 4 and 5, 2021. To schedule an appointment, call 901-302-4361
  • Veteran’s Administration – Now vaccinating all veterans age 65 and older at the VA Medical Center at 1030 Jefferson Avenue. Veterans must be enrolled with the VA at to receive vaccination
  • Walmart – To schedule an appointment, go to The Collierville Walmart, 560 W. Poplar Ave, is one of the participating stores in Shelby County.

Shelby County Health Department is proud to be a part of this historic vaccination effort against COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit website :

Monday, February 1, 2021

COLLIERVILLE, TN - In partnership with the Shelby County Health Department (SCHD), the City of Germantown and Town of Collierville will begin administering second doses of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at the Germantown Baptist Church beginning February 2. Only those who received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine between December 28, 2020 and January 3, 2021 are eligible to receive the second dose. At this time, all appointments from February 2 through 6 are filled.

The vaccination distribution site at the Germantown Baptist Church (9450 Poplar Avenue) will be open February 2 through February 6 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Wednesday, February 3, the hours of operation will be 9 a.m. to 4 pm.

If you have a vaccine appointment scheduled at Germantown Baptist Church, please review the protocols below before your visit.

Before visiting the vaccination site :

  1. Plan to arrive no earlier than one hour before your scheduled appointment. Patients arriving more than one hour before a scheduled appointment will be asked to leave and return closer to their scheduled appointment time
  2. Bring your shot record card and confirmation of your appointment
  3. Wear a mask at all times. Masks must cover the nose and mouth
  4. Wear loose fitting clothing to allow a sleeve to be rolled up

What to expect upon arrival :

  • Enter the Germantown Baptist Church parking lot using the east drive off Poplar Avenue. There is signage to direct you to the correct entry and throughout the facility to assist with traffic flow
  • Upon entering the driveway, patients will be directed to the screening station where they will be asked to show their shot record card and verify their appointment time. Anyone who has not received the first dose of the Moderna vaccine between December 28, 2020 and January 3, 2021 and/or does not have a scheduled appointment will be directed to turn around and leave the site
  • After the initial screening, patients will follow the traffic cones to the check-in station where they will receive a clipboard for every occupant in the vehicle who is eligible and scheduled to receive the vaccine. Patients are asked to complete the paperwork on the clipboard before making their way to the shot tent. Clipboards will be sanitized between uses. The clipboard will include :
    • Shot Record Card (if the individual does not have the original)
    • Vaccine Authorization Form
    • Pen (sanitized between uses)
  • Once a patient moves through check-in and completes the paperwork, the next stop is the shot tent where individuals will receive the vaccination. A medical professional will greet individual vehicles and start the vaccination process
  • Following receipt of the vaccine, patients will be asked to move into the post-shot area where shot recipients are strongly encouraged to wait for 15 to 30 minutes before departing, depending on medical history and vaccination reactions
  • After the post-shot waiting period, patients will leave through the nearby, marked exit on Johnson Road

As a reminder, municipal and church staff are not participating in scheduling and cannot provide information regarding vaccine availability. All questions related to the vaccine, scheduling and eligibility must be directed to the Shelby County Health Department; please visit or call 901-222-7468 (SHOT).

Friday, January 29, 2021

STATE OF TENNESSEE - The State of Tennessee has developed a COVD-19 Vaccine Eligibility tool to help individuals determine which vaccination phase they are in.  Click on the link below and it will provide you feedback related to which county you click on and how you answer each question.

Monday, January 25, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) will begin administering second doses of COVID-19 vaccine to those vaccinated December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021 at three locations, beginning January 27, 2021.

Individuals who received the Moderna vaccine at 1826 Sycamore View Road or 2400 Union Avenue at Lindenwood Church are eligible to get their second dose by appointment at one of three locations. Vaccines will be provided only to those who received first doses during the December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021 timeframe. The locations, dates and times are shown below. Please do not schedule an appointment if you have not already received a first dose of vaccine. First dose appointments for those currently eligible to be vaccinated will be offered in February with separate signup links.

January 27 – January 29, 8 :30 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. January 30, 8 :30 a.m. to 12 :30 p.m.

Appling Emissions Station2355 Appling City CoveMemphis, TN 38133Click to schedule an appointment at Appling Emissions Station

February 2 – February 6, 9 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m.

Pipkin Building940 Early Maxwell Blvd.Memphis, TN 38104Click to schedule an appointment at the Pipkin Building

February 2 – February 6, 9 :00 a.m. to 6 :00 p.m. (9 :00 a.m. to 4 :00 pm. Wednesday, February 3)

Germantown Baptist Church9450 Poplar AvenueGermantown, TN 38139Click to schedule an appointment at Germantown Baptist

Those without internet access or who otherwise need assistance may call the COVID-19 Vaccination Hotline (901) 222-SHOT (7468) for help in setting an appointment. That line is staffed 8 :00 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. 7 days per week.

Please bring your vaccination card to your appointment.

Shelby County Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan closely follows the Tennessee Department of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccination Plan, listed here : COVID-19 Vaccination Plan. Currently the Health Department is vaccinating first responders and health care workers listed in Phases 1a1 and 1a2, funeral/mortuary workers, age 65+ with high-risk medical conditions, and all persons age 75+.

The Health Department will add other vaccination sites throughout the county as the vaccine campaign moves forward. Please check the SCHD website : for the latest information about vaccination availability.

Friday, January 22, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) will begin administering second doses of COVID-19 vaccine to those vaccinated at the Health Department’s drive-thru sites at Sycamore View Road and Lindenwood Christian Church December 28, 2020 – January 3, 2021 at multiple locations, beginning January 27, 2021.

Information about the vaccination locations and links to sign up for appointments will be released through the media and on the Health Department’s COVID-19 landing page ( on Monday, January 25, 2021 at 8 :00 a.m.

Individuals in need of their second dose who signed up for a text notification on the Health Department’s vaccination hotline, 901-222-SHOT (7468), will receive a text notification with sign up information on the morning of January 25, 2021.

On Monday morning, the hotline will also be staffed with attendants who can assist persons who do not have internet access to set an appointment. That line will be staffed 8 :00 a.m. to 4 :30 p.m. 7 days per week.

SCHD will begin setting appointments for first dose vaccinations during the second week of February. Please check the Shelby County website : frequently for the latest information about vaccination availability.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

COLLIERVILLE, TN - The City of Germantown and the Town of Collierville are working cooperatively with the Shelby County Health Department to open an additional regional COVID-19 vaccination distribution site in Germantown at Germantown Baptist Church, 9450 Poplar Avenue.

The vaccination site is set to be operational beginning on Monday, February 1. The start date is tentative and will greatly depend on the number of vaccines that the Health Department receives from the State of Tennessee.

“Staff has worked round the clock for weeks to put a plan in place that allows Germantown and Collierville to be a part of the solution and to help put an end to the pandemic that continues to impact the health of our businesses and neighbors,” said Germantown City Administrator Patrick Lawton.

An additional announcement will be made once there is a final decision regarding an operation schedule.

Germantown Baptist Church has been a willing and generous partner in this endeavor. It is important for the public to understand that while the church is providing the location and staff from Germantown and Collierville are planning to operate the site, all questions related to scheduling a vaccination appointment must be directed to the Shelby County Health Department at (901) 222-SHOT. Municipal and church staff is not participating in scheduling and cannot provide information regarding vaccine availability.

“As you can imagine, this is a huge undertaking,” said Germantown Fire Chief and Emergency Management Director John Selberg. “We are just as eager as our neighbors to finalize our plan and we committed to sharing additional information with the public as soon as it is confirmed,” he added.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN -  Today, the Shelby County Health Department issued Health Directive No. 17, which goes into effect on January 23, 2021 at 12 :01 a.m. Health Directive No. 17 is viewable in electronic format at

Changes in Health Directive No. 17 include :

  • Lifts the more restrictive measures of the “Safer at Home” Health Directive No. 16 and returns to safety measures found in Health Directives 14 and 15
  • Focuses on personal responsibility as the measure of how COVID-19 will ultimately impact Shelby County and surrounding communities
  • Nothing is closed per se. Certain businesses that have more interaction with the public have additional, specific safety measures
  • Organizers/businesses that want to submit a proposal for a specific event or wish to expand their operations in a manner that is not already addressed in the Health Directive, should submit a plan through the online portal :
  • Schools are strongly encouraged to suspend all school-related close-contact sports at this time

Friday, January 15, 2021

COLLIERVILLE, TN - Collierville Town Hall is back open to the public January 19, 2021, Monday - Friday from 8 :00 AM - 5 :00 PM. (The Building and Codes Division is open 7 :00 AM - 4 :00 PM). Town Meetings will also be open to the public with COVID-19 protection protocols listed below.

The Collierville Library will return to normal operation hours (Monday -Thursday, 10 :00 am - 8 :00 pm, Friday - Saturday, 10 :00 am - 6 :00 pm and Sunday, 1 :00 - 5 :00 pm).

Before you visit, there are a few things you need to know :

If you have a fever, cough, or other COVID-19 symptoms, please do not visit Town Hall or another Town building. Give us a call, and we will gladly help you with whatever you need; reach Town Administration by dialing 901-457-2200. Many Town services are also provided online at Giving us a call or handling your business online is the safest way we can assist you.

If you need to visit in person :

1. Please wear a face covering.2. Maintain social distancing (six feet apart).3. Use provided hand sanitizer to frequently clean your hands.4. To maintain social distancing, you may be asked to wait in the lobby if a department is assisting other visitors.5. Do not engage in unnecessary contact with others.6. Sneeze or cough into a tissue or your arm.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

COLLIERVILLE, TN - The drive-thru window for utilitiy payments on the north side (lake side) of Town Hall is open Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday this week from 8 :00 am – 5 :00 pm.

Monday, January 11, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - All appointments are now filled for the vaccines available the week of January 11, 2020. This page will be updated as more information about vaccine availability is known. If you're curious when you will be eligible for a vaccine, use this tool to determine which phase you are in :

Friday, January 8, 2021

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – The Shelby County Health Department (SCHD) has received confirmation from Tennessee Department of Health that it will provide a weekly allotment of COVID-19 vaccine to the Health Department to provide to vaccinations to Shelby County residents. The initial commitment from the state is for approximately 8,900 doses per week through the end of January. We expect that the each January shipment will be divided between the Shelby County Health Department and the hospital systems. In the first of the weekly January shipments, the SCHD is expected to administer up to 4,000 doses, with the balance of the vaccine being administered by the hospital systems. The weekly breakout may change.

Based on an anticipated weekly allotment, SCHD will begin offering vaccinations on an appointment-only basis at the Pipkin Building at the Shelby County Fairgrounds each Tuesday – Saturday between the hours of 9 :00 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. Appointments may be made on the online appointment app SignUpGenius at this link : Those without internet access are to call 901-222-SHOT(7468) for assistance in scheduling an appointment beginning 8 :00 a.m. Monday, January 11, 2021. The Health Department will add other vaccination sites throughout the county as the vaccine campaign moves forward.

During January, the vaccine will be available to persons in the following categories, as defined by the Tennessee Department of Health in its COVID-19 Vaccination Plan :

All persons listed in the 1a1 groups, including :

      • First responders with direct public exposure including EMS, law enforcement, and fire fighters
      • Staff working at COVID-19 mass testing sitesStaff and residents of long-term care facilities, residential homes for the aged, and staff and residents of assisted living centers who have direct contact with residents or contact with potentially infectious materials
      • Staff of other congregate care facilities such as homes for the intellectually or developmentally disabled, detention centers, Staff of Department of Children’s Services residential facilities, rehabilitation hospitals and psychiatric hospitals who have direct patient contact or contact with potentially infectious materials
      • Home health care staff with direct patient contact
      • Staff and residents of long-term care facilities, residential homes for the aged, and staff and residents of assisted living centers who have direct contact with residents or contact with potentially infectious materials
      • Individuals > 18 years or older who cannot live independently due to serious chronic medical condition or intellectual or developmental disability
      • Providers of K-12 or university student health services who have direct patient contact or contact with potentially infectious materials

Funeral/mortuary service providers

Health care workers, including :

      • Primary care providers and staff
      • Outpatient specialty providers and staff working with acute patients
      • Pharmacists and staff
      • Patient transport
      • Outpatient therapists
      • Urgent visit center providers and staff
      • Environmental services
      • Oral health providers
      • Behavioral health providers
      • Outpatient laboratory staff working with COVID-19 specimens

Individuals age 75 and over

All those presenting for vaccination should be prepared to bring identification and proof of eligibility, including proof of age, a professional license, or a letter from an employer.

Shelby County Health Department is proud to be a part of this historic vaccination effort against COVID-19. For more information about COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit our website :

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

COLLIERVILLE, TN - Collierville Town Hall and all other public Town buildings are closing to the public effective Monday, December 28, 2020 until further notice; the Collierville Library will close December 26, 2020. We encourage residents and visitors to use alternate methods to handle Town Hall business:

Public MeetingsIn keeping with the Governor’s Orders No. 71 and 72, the Town of Collierville will conduct January public meetings virtually providing citizens alternate ways to comment on meeting agenda items without being physically present. All public meetings are live streamed here : In addition, when visiting the streaming media page, citizens can view upcoming meetings, agendas, and submit an "eComment" on a particular agenda item.

Property Taxes

  • Mail : 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017
  • Drop Box : Town Hall, Collierville Library, Community Center on Powell Road, Washington Street (near the Collierville Food Pantry)
  • Online here : Citizens can pay up to $10,000 by ACH (echeck) for $1.00; credit cards fees are 2.5% with a minimum of $2.00
  • Drive-Thru Window : The drive-thru window on the north side of Town Hall is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 :00 am – 5 :00 pm


    • Bank Bill Pay : Most banks offer this at no charge to their customers. Log on to your electronic banking site, set up the Town of Collierville as a vendor, and ask your bank to send the Town a check. This comes to the Town electronically, keeping everyone safe – you, your bankers and Town staff
    • Bank Draft: You can sign up to have your bill drafted from your bank account on the bill’s due date. This is offered at no charge to Town residents. The form can be found here : (Residents should continue to pay until your bill reflects the bank draft is in effect.)
    • Online : Visit There is a convenience fee charged by the third-party provider for this service

Check or Money Order :

    • By mail : Town of Collierville, 500 Poplar View Parkway, Collierville, TN, 38017
    • 24-hour drop boxes: Town Hall, Collierville Library, Community Center on Powell Road, Washington Street (near the Collierville Food Pantry)
    • Drive-Thru Window : The drive-thru window on the north side of Town Hall is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 8 :00 am – 5 :00 pm
  • Start or Stop Utility Service : Forms can be found on the finance department’s home page :

Collierville Burch LibraryThe Library is closed to the public beginning December 26th, 2020. The Library book drops will remain open. The Friends Bookstore will be closed and will not be accepting book donations during this time. Contact the Library 901-457-2601 for more information and the Library website for updates:

  • Curbside Pickup
    • The Library will offer curbside pickup of library holds beginning Monday, December 28th until further notice
    • During regular Library hours, patrons can call the Library at 901-457-2600 to put materials on hold through their Library account at
    • Patrons will be contacted by the Library to set appointment times for curbside pickup
    • Items will remain on hold for three days
    • At the Library, please follow the signs near the gazebo and call the Library staff at 901-457-2602 to let staff know that you have arrived at the Library

Development DepartmentServices such as development application processing and review, building and trade permit inspections and code enforcement are still active. Requests for these services can be made over the telephone or online. Contact information and application and form links are as follows:

  • Development Administration (8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. Monday – Friday)
  • Building & Codes (7 :00 a.m. to 4 :00 p.m. Monday – Friday)
  • Engineering (8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. Monday – Friday)
  • Planning (8 :00 a.m. to 5 :00 p.m. Monday – Friday)

Planning and zoning applications, building and trade permit applications are available online and most are “fillable” PDF documents (links provided above). Once filled, these documents need to be printed and dropped off, along with a check for review and approval. Application and document drop off is available 24 / 7 using a convenient Development Department Drop Box, located outside the Codes Compliance lobby on the eastside of Town Hall. Meetings with staff, including preapplication conferences, are encouraged to be held online or via conference call if possible. In-person meetings can be arranged in advance by calling for an appointment.

Monday, December 21, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department released Health Directive No. 16, which goes into effect December 26, 2020, at 12 :01 am, to January 22, 2021, at 11 :59 pm. Additionally is Face Mask Order and No. 4, which goes into effect immediately. Both are viewable here :

Health Directive No. 16 includes these changes:

  1. All residents are strongly urged to shelter at home (“Safer at Home”) as much as possible
  2. All owners and operators of businesses and services must cooperate with health authorities’ efforts to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19
  3. Employers should ask non-essential employees to stay home and implement telecommuting practices as much as feasible
  4. Employers shall not allow any employee to come to a workplace if the employee has any symptoms of COVID-19
  5. Residents and visitors should avoid participating in gatherings with people who are not members of their household
  6. All previously approved events that were to occur during the effective dates of this “Safer at Home” should reschedule their event or contact the Health Department to determine whether their event may still proceed
  7. All businesses except those listed below in Paragraph 9 are required to close their physical locations to the public. However, if legally permitted to do so, businesses that provide goods or services exclusively through curbside service and pickup, drive-thru, shipment, delivery, or virtually may continue. This shall include any business that did not previously provide goods or services in this manner as of the issuance of this Directive but develops a procedure to provide its goods and services in this manner
  8. Minimum basic operations may continue for purposes of maintaining the value of any business’s inventory, ensuring security, processing payroll and employee benefits, or other related necessary functions
  9. The following listed businesses may operate and must comply with any applicable safety measures as further listed herein under : 1) “Safety Measures for Individuals;” 2) “Safety Measures for all Services and Businesses;” and 3) “Safety Measures for Services and Businesses that involve in-person interaction with the public :”
  • Any services deemed essential and provided by federal, state, city, or county offices and services, including law enforcement, legal/judicial/court services, transportation, and businesses that provide government programs and services
  • Places of worship and services therein as provided for in Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Orders
  • Any businesses, gatherings, or services that are exclusively provided for by Governor Lee’s Executive Orders, such as dental and medical-related services and certain types of sporting events. Pursuant to Executive Order 70, persons “shall not in any event be in a group of ten (10) or more persons in an indoor public place for the purpose of social gatherings, activities, or events.” This would include, for example, indoor receptions, parties, or events that are not related to places of worship, weddings, and funerals
  • If any provision in this Directive is preempted by Governor Lee’s Executive Orders, the Governor’s order(s) control
  • Businesses, organizations, or people that provide social services, educational services, and other necessities of life for seniors, adults, children, or people with disabilities, substance abuse disorders, or mental illness. This includes residential facilities and shelters, schools, and other educational organizations. (please see further guidance below for “Long Term Care Facilities and Assisted Living Centers”)
  • Services related to caring for a family member or pet in another household
  • Grocery stores, retail stores, and food cultivation businesses. Any of these businesses that are open to the public shall only operate at 50% capacity
  • Daycare and childcare business will remain open, but will prioritize children of parents working in essential services (please see further guidance below for “Daycare and Childcare Businesses”)
  • Schools, school systems, colleges, and universities (please see further guidance below for “Schools, School Systems, Colleges and Universities”)
  • Detention facilities and any inmate housing (please see further guidance below for “Division of Corrections” and “Detention Facilities”)
  • Hotels, commercial lodges, realtor, and housing and rental services, but “open houses” events cannot be held
  • Health care, mental and behavioral health, and biomedical research and businesses that directly support the healthcare industry including health information technology, staffing and supplies
  • Sanitation/waste removal, energy, water, and sewage businesses and services (including laundry/cleaning services)
  • Pharmacies and medical supply businesses, and other related-businesses that directly support the drug and medical supply pipeline
  • Vehicle fueling and support, auto-supply, auto-repair, and related facilities
  • Banks, savings and loans, insurance companies, accounting businesses, and other business that directly support the insurance and financial services sector
  • Home and business repair, cleaning, maintenance, and hardware supply
  • Construction and facilities design businesses
  • General and corporate offices, call centers, and other remote service centers. Such facilities are strongly urged to use virtual or remote capabilities and permit work from home when possible as well as limit visitors and vendors within the premises to essential visits on an as-needed basis
  • Self-service storage businesses
  • Manufacturing companies, distributors, warehouses and other supply chain companies producing, storing, shipping, and supplying products and services in and for industries such as pharmaceutical, technology, biotechnology, healthcare, medical supplies, shipping and paper supplies, hygiene, appliances, chemicals, sanitation, waste pickup and disposal, agriculture, food and beverage, transportation, energy, steel and steel products, petroleum and fuel, mining, construction, national defense, telecommunications, as well as products used for the operation of other businesses allowed to operate pursuant to this Directive. This provision does not apply to any manufacturing company, distributor, warehouse or other supply chain company that produces, stores, ships, or otherwise supplies products and services for and in industries that are not otherwise identified in this provision, including if non-identified goods and services are provided to a business for the purpose of retail sale
  • Personal care businesses, such as barbers, nail salons, massage therapy by appointment only (please see further guidance below for “Safety Measures for Services and Businesses that require in-person interaction with the public”)
  • Gyms, fitness centers, and exercise facilities may operate but capacity must not exceed 50% (including staff)
  • Product, parcel, logistics, transport, and delivery and distribution businesses
  • Transportation services including buses, taxis, and other private transportation providers
  • Veterinary and pet supply business and services, including agricultural services and the caring and feeding of all livestock and farm animals
  • Internet and telecommunications systems (including the provision of essential global, national, and local infrastructure for computing services, business infrastructure, communications, and web-based services)
  • Print, online and broadcast media
  • Funeral and burial services
  • On-site dining services are strongly discouraged, but if customers engage in on-site dining, the business must do the following :
    • Require their customers to be seated while eating or drinking and require them to wear a mask at all times except for when the customer is actually seated and dining
    • Indoor seating must not exceed 25% capacity of the establishment
    • No more than 6 guests may be seated at the same table, and they must be of the same household
    • Any person at one table cannot be within 6 feet distance from any person at another table
    • Food service shall not exceed 90 minutes
    • All bar counters must be closed for seating
    • Standing, gathering, or ordering at a bar is not allowed
    • Dancing is not permitted
    • All food and beverage service shall close at 10 pm. This means that any guests who are already receiving service at 10 pm may remain there until 10 :30 pm to complete payment arrangements but may not be served food or beverages after 10 pm
    • If properly permitted by local and state law, any curb-side, drive-thru, or delivery services may continue, but any such sales of alcoholic beverages must end at 10 pm
    • Only staff needed to close, open, clean, or operate curb-side/delivery services shall be in any establishment between the hours of 10 :30 pm and 5 :00 am. Legally permitted curbside, drive-thru, and delivery service may continue (except for the sale of alcoholic beverages as provided above) without the restriction of closing at 10 pm as long as such services also comply with state law
  • Certain other business and services that the Shelby County Health Department (in coordination with the Shelby County Mayor’s Office and Shelby County Attorney’s Office) determines should continue as provided in any FAQ issued during the “Safer at Home” effective period

Read more of the directive, frequently asked questions, and more by visiting the Shelby County Health Department's website here.

Wednesday, December  16, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department would like to get your feedback about what you know about COVID-19 and your attitudes about wearing masks and being vaccinated against the virus.

This survey is completely anonymous and will only take about 5 minutes to complete. Please click the link below in your preferred language to go to the survey Website (or copy and paste the link into your Internet browser).

English Version :

Spanish Version :

Monday, December 7, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) originally set a 14-day quarantine period for COVID-19 based on estimates of the upper bounds of the virus’ incubation period. Since that time, research indicates that more than 90% of exposed persons who go on to develop COVID-19 illness develop symptoms within 10 days of exposure. For that reason the CDC has revised its guidance to allow for a shorter quarantine period under the following conditions:

  • Quarantine can end after Day 10 of exposure without testing and if no symptoms have been reported during daily monitoring
  • In some cases, quarantine can end after Day 7 of exposure, if a diagnostic specimen tests negative for the SARS-CoV-2 virus and if no symptoms were reported during daily monitoring, but quarantine cannot be discontinued earlier than after Day 7
  • In both cases, the quarantined subject must continue to :


    • Wear a mask when around others
    • Observe social distancing through Day 14 of exposure

Those organizations and institutions that partner with the Health Department in workplace and schoolbased contact tracing should incorporate this new guidance into their current policies. Healthcare providers who partner with the Health Department to place patients in quarantine should also adhere to these policies and incorporate them into patient education materials.

Quarantine is a public health strategy used to separate someone who may have been exposed to an illness and who is still in a period of time when they can develop illness. Quarantine is used to prevent transmission in the event the exposed person develops the illness. Quarantine is an important measure to control the spread of COVID-19 because it has been demonstrated that persons may spread the virus before they develop symptoms, and others may spread the virus without experiencing any symptoms.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

COLLIERVILLE, TN - The Codes Compliance Lobby / Front Desk area is closed due to COVID-19. If you need an inspection, call 901-457-230; if you need a building or trade permit, please visit the Development Department Front Desk inside Town Hall or drop off all permit applications, checks, and plan submittals in the dropbox outside the Codes Division.

Monday, November 23, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN – Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris and Health Department Director Alisa Haushalter are pleased to announce that the mayors of all Shelby County municipalities are in support of Health Directive No. 15, issued by the Shelby County Health Department on Friday, November 20th, and effective today, November 23rd, as a necessary measure that may prevent more restrictions and potential business closures.

Shelby County Mayor Lee Harris and all the County’s municipal mayors, including Arlington Mayor Mike Wissman, Bartlett Mayor Keith McDonald, Collierville Mayor Stan Joyner, Germantown Mayor Mike Palazzolo, Lakeland Mayor Mike Cunningham, Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland, and Millington Mayor Terry Jones have issued the following joint statement:

The Shelby County Health Department has put in place new measures to contain and eliminate the spread of COVID-19. While the authority for the issuance of the restrictions contained in any health directive rests with the Health Department, we, as the elected leaders of the communities within Shelby County urge all the citizens of Shelby County to comply with these restrictions so that no further restrictive measures and closures become necessary. Working together as citizens and business partners in Shelby County to support the Health Department’s directives is essential to keeping all residents safe while balancing the concerns of our local economy. We, as the Mayors of our Shelby County communities, ask for your support and renewed effort to comply with these rules in order to keep our community healthy and economically vibrant.

Shelby County Health Director Alisa Haushalter said, “The limited restrictions in Health Directive No. 15 are designed to combat transmission of the virus in enclosed spaces where people gather, including restaurants and gyms. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the spread of the virus and prevent illness and deaths in our community.”

Health Directive No. 15 may be viewed at For more information about Shelby County’s response to the pandemic, visit their COVID-19 informational page :

Friday, November 20, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department released Health Directive No. 15, which goes into effect on November 23, 2020 at 12 :01 a.m. Additionally is Face Mask Order and No. 3, which goes into effect immediately. Both are viewable here :

Health Directive No. 15 includes these changes:

  1. For any establishment that serves food and/or alcoholic beverages is required to :
    • Limit occupancy to 50%
    • Close at 10 pm
    • Require patrons to wear masks at all times except when actually eating a bite of food or drinking a beverage
    • Limit groups dining together to 6 people (but no more than 4 adults)
  2. Schools are strongly encouraged to suspend all school-related close-contact sports at this time
  3. Gyms remain open at this time. All employees and patrons are required to wear masks or facial coverings at all times while in the facility, except when in the swimming pool or shower
  4. Shelby County Government expects to be able to provide special financial supports of at least $5,000 for any business that faces closures of at least 30 days that is substantially related to Health Directive No. 15. More details will be forthcoming

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

NASHVILLE, TN - Governor Bill Lee’s Unified Command Group is making more COVID-19 testing options available for Tennesseans statewide leading up to and just after Thanksgiving.

The Tennessee Department of Health and Tennessee National Guard will extend operating hours at 35 county health departments, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time, on Mon. Nov. 23, and Mon. Nov. 30.  COVID-19 testing at county health departments is free to those who want to receive a COVID-19 test. A list of the county health departments operating with extended hours in West Tennessee includes:


Dyer County Health Department1755 Parr Ave. Dyersburg


Fayette County Health Department90 Yum Yum Road, Somerville


Hardin County Health Department1920 Pickwick St. Savannah


Haywood County Health Department950 E. Main St. Brownsville


Obion County Health Department1008 Mt. Zion Road, Union City


Tipton County Health Department4700 Mueller Brass Road, Covington

Tennessee National Guard personnel will also support testing during extended hours at health departments in the Davidson, Hamilton, and Knox counties.

A complete, statewide list of all COVID-19 testing sites is available at

All 89 rural county health departments will be open Mon. Nov. 23, through Wed. Nov. 25. County health departments will be closed and will not provide COVID-19 testing from Thurs. Nov. 26, through Sat. Nov. 28, 2020.

Participants should receive their test results within 72 hours, depending on test processing volume at laboratories. Information will be provided to participants at the testing locations on what they can expect after being tested. This information is also available at:

The U.S. Center for Disease Control & Prevention has a guide available with recommendations for making Thanksgiving safer to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among family and friends. The guide is available at

Governor Lee formed the UCG on March 23, 2020, bringing together the Tennessee Department of Health, Tennessee Department of Military, and Tennessee Emergency Management Agency to streamline coordination across key Tennessee departments to fight the COVID-19 pandemic in the state.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department is offering free flu vaccinations at no charge during a special statewide “FightFluTN 2020” vaccination event on Thursday, November 19, 2020. The influenza vaccine will be offered at no charge at two locations in Shelby County during the hours of 1 :30 p.m. and 4 :30 p.m. No appointment is needed. Below are the locations offering FREE flu vaccinations. Both sites are also COVID-19 testing sites and will offer free COVID-19 testing as well as free flu vaccinations.

  • Lamar Emissions Station1720 RKS Commercial CoveMemphis, TN 38114
  • Millington Public Health Clinic8225 Highway 51 NorthMillington, TN 38053

Flu vaccination is more important than ever this year, amid the COVID-19 pandemic. It is possible to get the flu and COVID-19 at the same time, and that may increase the risk of severe illness. The flu vaccine will not protect you against COVID-19, but it is the best protection we have against seasonal influenza. High rates of flu vaccination that will also reduce the burden of flu-related illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths on the health care system and conserve medical resources for the care of people with COVID-19.

Annual vaccination against influenza is recommended for everyone six months and older, and is especially recommended for the following individuals:

  • People 65 years and older
  • Pregnant women
  • Children age 5 and younger
  • People of any age with chronic medical conditions, including asthma and other lung diseases, heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes
  • People who live in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities
  • People who care for those at high risk for complications from influenza, including :
    • Health care workers
    • Household contact of persons at high risk for complications from influenza
    • Household contacts and caregivers of children less than six months of age

The flu vaccine contains inactivated virus, so it cannot cause flu illness. Side effects from the vaccination are usually short-term and mild, and may include soreness at the injection site, lowgrade fever, and body aches. In addition to the flu vaccine, the Shelby County Health Department recommends to following measures to slow the spread of flu virus in our community :

  • If you are sick with a flu-like illness, stay home. Those with flu-like symptoms should not get a flu vaccine; however, they can and should be tested for COVID-19
  • Cover your nose and mouth with tissue when you cough or sneeze. After using the tissue, throw it in the trash and wash your hands
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers if soap and water are not available
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Germs spread this way
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with viruses thatcause flu

For more information about influenza in Shelby County, please visit

Thursday, October 15, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - Many Shelby County families are planning for the upcoming holiday season, beginning with Halloween. The Shelby County Health Department is sharing information based upon guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on how to take part in Halloween celebrations in ways that reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Traditionally, the Town of Collierville does not regulate a trick-or-treating schedule. October 31 is the date of Halloween and will be observed on this date. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Town asks residents to follow these recommendations to allow Halloween celebrations to continue in ways that reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.

Halloween Activities:

NOT Permitted - Gatherings and events that are not allowed under the current Health Directive :

  • Festivals, fairs, parades, large-scale sporting events and large-scale community events unless the Department has approved a site-specific plan for the event

Some Halloween traditions are fun, but may increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Trick-or-treating may present a risk because it may be difficult for children to maintain social distancing. Trick-or-treating may be made safer by :

  • Avoiding direct contact with trick-or-treaters
  • Giving out treats outdoors, if possible
  • Setting up a station with individually bagged treats for kids to pick up
  • Washing hands before handling treats
  • Wearing a mask

“Trunk-or-treating” where children go from car to car instead of door to door to receive treats poses similar risk to children if they do not maintain recommended social distancing. Following the recommendations listed above may make trunk-or-treating safer.

Safer Alternatives:

Below are some safer alternatives to traditional Halloween celebrations that reduce the risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

  • Online parties/contests (i.e. costume or pumpkin carving)
  • Drive-by events, including events where individual participants remain in their vehicles
  • Halloween movie nights at drive-in theaters that meet the requirements of the current Health Directive
  • Decorating homes and yards with Halloween-themed decorations
  • Outdoor activities are safer than indoor activities

Personal Protection Measures:

  • If you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick with COVID-19, stay home and away from others and seek testing
  • Correctly wear a cloth facial covering to prevent disease spread. Wear a cloth mask with two or more layers over the nose and mouth and secure it under the chin
  • Avoid confined spaces – Actively avoid indoor spaces that don’t allow for easy distancing of at least six feet between yourself and others
  • Avoid close contact – Stay at least six feet away from all other people who are not part of your own household, especially when talking, eating and drinking
  • Wash or sanitize your hands often
  • Clean frequently touched items regularly

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

COLLIERVILLE, TN - As of today, October 14, 2020, there are four (4) confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Collierville Fire Department (CFD). The employees are on various shifts, and work at different firehouses. These employees are quarantined, per CDC and Shelby County Health Department Guidelines. Personnel can sufficiently cover the shifts of the quarantined employees and are staffed to continue normal business operations.

Since the beginning of the pandemic in March, CFD has followed all CDC and Shelby County Health Department guidelines. CFD closed  fire stations to the general public. They monitored employees as they come to work with temperature checks. Employees are required to wear masks, practice social distancing, and decontaminate fire houses, equipment and apparatuses twice a shift - every morning and night. Personnel are given sufficient PPE and are taking all precautions when they are going out on all dispatched calls. After every COVID-19 call, personnel are required to take further decontamination steps with showers and a change of uniform.

"Our emergency responders have been working extremely hard to serve the community while keeping themselves safe. Our thoughts and prayers are with our employees and their families, and we are hopeful that everyone will safely recover." - Mark King, Chief of Administration, Collierville Fire Department

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department issued Health Directive No. 14 yesterday, which is now in effect. This directive provides further protection for individuals who are facing eviction and to clarify ongoing questions about whether schools may reopen :

  • For tenants in eviction matters: “If you or anyone in your household are currently quarantined or are in isolation due to COVID-19 and are unable to secure housing at this time, please notify the Shelby County Health Department by calling 901-222-MASK (which is 901-222-6275) or by faxing the information to 901-222-8249. Temporary housing support may be available.”
  • School opening/closure decisions are for the local boards of education. The Health Department will provide technical assistance as requested by any school

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department issued Health Directive No. 13 this week, which is now in effect.

Key changes in Health Directive No. 13 are :

  • Further expansion of time period for when limited and full service restaurants (and other similar establishments) may operate - now 12 midnight instead of 10 pm
  • Further expanding the number of people in a group that may attend events, dining, and other family group experiences - now 8 people instead of 6
  • An easier number to remember for reporting positive case contacts to the Department by calling 901-222-MASK or 901-222-6275
  • Businesses may submit a safety plan if (after receiving education and technical assistance) they are closed due to their refusal to maintain a safe environment for the public

Monday, September 28, 2020

COLLIERVILLE, TN - Under the current Health Directive from the Shelby County Health Department, capacity for public Town Hall meetings will still be limited in order to maintain six feet of social distancing. Public meetings are live streamed and the public can provide electronic comments by using our media center here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Shelby County Health Department issued Health Directive No. 12; follow the link for the full directive. Significant changes in the directive include :

  • Lifts previous restrictions on limited service restaurants, bars, clubs, beer pubs, wine bars and taprooms, allowing them to reopen for in-person service under the same requirements as full-service restaurants
  • Provides for safety measures for hookah/vaping/cigar bars/lounges
  • Provides safety measures for multi-person biking vehicles
  • Lifts all occupancy restrictions as long as patrons can retain social distancing of six feet.

Friday, September 18, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The Town of Collierville is teaming up with the Shelby County Emergency Management & Homeland Security Agency to help “Mask Up Our Kids”. The pandemic has caused hardships for many residents in Shelby County, and the Town wants to help by providing masks for children all over the county.

You can drive through and pick up a free children's mask Saturday, September 26, 2020 from 11 :00 AM – 3 :00 PM at the Collierville Police Department 156 N. Rowlett Street.

Wednesday, September 17, 2020

COLLIERVILLE, TN - The Town of Collierville will be reopening park playgrounds Saturday, September 19, 2020.

This flyer will be posted at all playground facilities stating : "This playground has not been sanitized. Use cautiously at your own risk and follow all recommended social distancing practices."

Please remember :

  • Stay Home if Showing Covid-19 Symptoms: including, but not limited to having a fever, cough, or shortness of breath
  • Do Your Part to Stay Safe ! Wash hands before and after park visit. Individuals should bring their own hand sanitizer
  • Increase Physical Space : practice social distancing – keep 6 feet apart

The Collierville Park System currently contains 20 parks with 15 play structures. Parks are open daily from 6 am to 11 pm; Hinton Park closes at dusk. For questions, please contact Parks Administration by calling 901-457-2770.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - Health Directive No. 11 and Face Mask Directive No. 2, were released this week from the Shelby County Health Department. Substantive changes to each include :

Health Directive No. 11

  1. Clarifies that included with limited service restaurants and other similar establishments, “beer pubs and wine bars” are also currently closed
  2. Provides more detail on school obligations on report confirmed COVID-19 cases
  3. Provides further information on Department access to nursing homes, testing at nursing homes, and notice requirements to residents and their representatives
  4. Clarifies that 12-foot distancing at indoor sporting facilities/venues is required, not 18-feet

Face Mask Directive No. 2

  1. Clarifies that, for purposes of countywide consistency, any local orders, ordinances, or regulations are void only to the extent that they are less restrictive than the Face Mask Directive
  2. Clarifies that, consistent with CDC guidance, the exemption for children age 2 and under (not 12 years and under) and further clarifies that “age 2” means any child that has not reached their third birthday
  3. Clarifies the exemption for not wearing masks while eating or drinking in public at a restaurant, bar, or other food or beverage establishment to nevertheless require that patrons must wear face coverings when they move about the establishment (e.g. to go to their table, to go to the restroom, or to leave the establishment)

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - Memphis Light Gas and Water (MLGW) resumed disonnects this month. There is utility assitance through the following agencies:

  • The Shelby County Community Services Agency : or call 901-222-4212 and leave a message
  • MIFA :

For referrals on help with rent, utility payments or other needs contact:

  • LINC/211 : dial 2-1-1 or 901-415-2790 (Mon - Fri 9am-6pm and Sat 11am-3pm)
  • United Way : or call 1-888-709-0630

MLGW offers payment arrangements and other programs if you're having difficulty with your bill : or call 901-544-6549 (residential) or 901-528-4270 (business).

Friday, August 7, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - The latest health directive from the Shelby County Health Department was issued today and adds an Improvements/Set Backs and Responses chart that shows “tripwires” for re-openings and shutdowns. The Health Department will continue to share information about testing capacity, hospital capacity, and public health capacity with the mayors and other medical partners because those “responses” involve actions required by the health department and/or governmental partners.

Substantive changes in the new health directive :

  1. Improvements/Set Backs and Responses chart added to show "tripwires" for reopenings/shutdowns
  2. /li>

  3. County courthouses are addressed (to limit too much traffic coming in)

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

SHELBY COUNTY, TN - Over the weekend, the newest health directive from the Shelby County Health Department went into effect. So, what has changed?

In summary, it has some substantive changes from the previous Health Directive regarding :

Further guidance for individuals and employers.

  1. Further limiting risk behaviors in bars and restaurants (please see below for additional background on risk behaviors associated with bars)
  2. Providing guidance for schools (including colleges and universities).
  1. Individuals and employers are required to report positive test results to the Health Department. Further, the Directive provides link to current guidance for individuals/employees on staying home when they are sick and for employers on providing a safe environment if an employee tests positive for COVID-19
  2. Restaurants:
    • Pick-up/delivery/drive-thru service for alcoholic beverages must end at 10 pm
    • Any full-service restaurant that has a gross annual revenue from the sale of prepared food that is 50% or less than the gross annual revenue from the sale of alcoholic beverages must close regardless of their licensure (this is to address concerns that some establishments on Beale Street are operating as bars). In the event the health department receives a complaint that an establishment does not meet this threshold, they would be required to provide 1) the most recent sales numbers that were provided to the Commission for license renewals or sales number for year-to-date sales and 2) a “food affidavit” by an owner of the establishment attesting that the numbers submitted are correct
    • Full-service restaurants have these additional restrictions (in addition to what was already in place) :
      • There shall be no standing room or seating at a physical bar
      • Alcohol may only be served with food and to customers who are seated at a table
      • Food service at a table for each customer/group should not exceed two hours
      • Music (live or recorded) must be kept at a decibel level that permits regular conversation. In other words, the noise level should not be so great as to cause patrons to raise their voices to be heard
      • Dancing is not permitted at a restaurant
      • Club houses at golf courses, tennis courts, and other facilities if they qualify as a full-service restaurant under state law, must comply with these requirements as well
  3. Schools (including colleges) are referred to various sources of guidance/information on reopening procedures and safety precautions. The Health Department is not “approving” plans to reopen; it is only agreeing to review any plan and provide technical assistance (which can be in writing and/or a site visit)

Archived covid-19 executive orders
